Curriculum Planning and Evaluation 

LPL 710: Curriculum Planning and Evaluation  
Fall, 2020
Instructions for Essay 2: Connecting Law and Policy to Professional Practice.
Step 1. Glatthorn et al. (2018) discuss a host of factors and influences that shape what happens in the classroom. From federal policies, legislation, and funding initiatives, that shape what schools do (or don’t do), to the involvement of state and local entities, everyone has something to say about how educators should go about their business.
Identify a law or policy that impacts an educator’s classroom practice. To navigate this assignment, you should adopt a K-12 or higher education perspective. Clearly articulate what perspective you have chosen.
It should reflect the FERPA Law.
Step 2. Develop a three to a four-page essay that explains how the law or policy that you’ve selected impacts your professional practice. In this paper, you should identify the law or policy you selected. Make sure you accurately cite the document consistent with APA guidelines. Then, utilize three to four examples to illustrate the ways that the selected law/policy shapes your professional practice.
Approaching the assignment:
1. This is an academic essay. There should be a clear thesis or position that is supported by the readings/resources assigned in class.
2. There should be a clear organization to the essay. There should be an introduction; a clear, concise, and organized argument or perspective developed in the body of the paper; and, a conclusion.
3. Your response should reflect an accurate understanding of the readings and your ability to apply what you learned from the readings to your argument.
4. The essay should be double-spaced.
5. A well-thought-out response should be between 3 – 4 pages long.
6. All responses should be double-spaced, written in 12 points, Times New Roman font in black ink.
7. The responses should adhere to the guidelines of citation established by APA 7th edition.
8. Your responses should be developed in a word file and then uploaded in BlackBoard.