“Customer Care Centre” Project Charter

“Customer Care Centre” Project Charter

Reading requirement, marking standard and follow that.
The project charter must be written in the context of the project and use the assignment 1

This assignment is based on the Zanpac Financial Services Customer Care Centre case study (attached).
You have been appointed Project Manager for the Customer Care Centre project at Zanpac Financial
Services. The Director of Technology (CTO) has asked you to “do an initial scoping of the project”,
keeping in mind that the project should be finished by the end of August 2021.
As you are new to Zanpac Financial Services, you inquire as to what should be covered in an initial
scoping of the project. This step in Zanpac’s project management methodology is called a “Project
Charter” and is used to lay out the basic parameters of the project for signoff by the Project Sponsor
and key members of the Executive Team. If the broad parameters of the project are accepted, then
the project may proceed to the project planning phase.
The project charter must contain the following sections:
1. Document purpose
2. Project Background
3. Project Goals / Objectives
4. Project Value Statement
5. Project Stakeholders (with position, name and contact details)
6. Project Success Criteria
7. Project Constraints
8. Project Scope (product‐oriented scope only)
9. Three level Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
10. Recommendations and Approvals
It is envisaged that your project charter will be approximately 1500 words in length (excluding
appendices and table of contents).
See separate Assignment 1 Marking Standard

Late Submission
For assignments submitted after the due date and time late penalties will apply as per page 9 of the
subject outline which states:
“Work submitted late without an approved extension is subject to a late penalty of 10 per cent of the
total available marks deducted per calendar day that the assessment is overdue (e.g. if an assignment
is out of 40 marks, and is submitted (up to) 24 hours after the deadline without an extension, the
student will have four marks deducted from their awarded mark). Work submitted after five calendar
days is not accepted and a mark of zero is awarded.”
Extensions, Special Consideration and Query of Marks/Grade and Final Results
For information on Extensions, Special Consideration, Late Penalty and Query of Marks/Grade
and Final Results, please see Assessment: faculty procedures and advice on pages 9 and 10 of
the Subject Outline.
Submission Guidelines
The project charter must be written in the context of the project and
use the assignment 1 template.
The project charter must include all ten sections detailed in the template.
All diagrams, figures and tables (if used) should be numbered, titled and explained the text. All lists
must have lead‐in text.
All material derived from other works (except the assignment case study) must be acknowledged. If
using material derived from other sources the report must have:
1. A bibliography/reference list of all works included in the research report. This should list the
books and articles, which have been quoted or used in the research report; they should be
arranged alphabetically by author’s surname with anonymous works listed first
2. The acknowledgement of all evidence and sources of information using the Harvard Referencing
3. If diagrams and tables are used to explain the text they should be numbered, titled and, if copied
from literature, the source should be quoted immediately underneath.
Submission of Assignment 1 is via the Assessment Task 1 page in Canvas.
Referencing Guidelines
Students should consult the following UTS Library webpage:
 https://www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/referencing
Please note: You do not need to reference the case study. However, text taken from the case study
must be paraphrased and not directly copied.
The UTS library HeadsUp program
Students may find the HeadsUp program useful from a referencing and writing perspective, which is
available at  http://www.lib.uts.edu.au/headsup
Academic Standards
Students are reminded of the principles laid down in the Statement about assessment procedures
and advice on pages 10 and 11 of the subject outline.
Assignment Return
It is envisaged that assignments marks and written generic feedback will be available in the week
commencing January  27th, 2018.