Cyberbullying & Internet Addiction in children.

Topic: Cyberbullying & Internet Addiction in children.

Paper details:

The essay is for a child psychopathology class.

Essay must be typed, double-spaced, page numbered, stapled, spelling and grammar checked

Essays must include both in-text citations and a reference page that comply with APA 6th edition.

Answer each question as it pertains to the topic you selected

Each answer must be preceded by the question being answered

Each answer must be a paragraph with a minimum of 10 sentences.

Each answer should include at least 1 new citation (total of 3 citations from peer-reviewed sources)

For each topic selected use the following outline to address each question. Each answer requires 1 citation from a peer-reviewed source.

  1. What is the epidemiology of this problem?

How many children or youth are affected by this problem (cite statistics)

What communities are at-risk or impacted by this problem?

  1. Describe how children and youth are affected by this problem? (cite research)

How does it impact children?

What are the outcomes for these children

  1. Describe a program located in New York City providing services to children affected by this problem.

What kind of services do they provide and to whom? (cite source)

How and by whom are the services provided