Defending Slavery Paper : How did the support for slavery change from 1776 to 1860?

Answer the question: How did the support for slavery change from 1776 to 1860?
You will need to use as many of the documents from Part 2 of the Defending Slavery book to support the answer that you choose. Most use 2-3.
You may use Part 1 for context.
The point of the paper is to explain the arguments used by Southerners to defend slavery. You will need to explain how their argument changed or did not change from 1776 to 1860. For this paper you do not need to analyze the validity of their argument (many of them have logical fallacies). You should explain what their argument is and how that argument has changed over time.
You will need to provide a little context for each point – all of that information you will need is in the Defending Slavery book and in lectures.
Quotes must be cited by page number. You must use footnotes in Chicago style.
Your paper should NOT be just a summary of the contents of the document or the work of history.
Your paper’s argument should be supported by evidence. In the case of a document, this can be evidence from the document, and it can
include evidence from other sources. In the case of a secondary source, this can be evidence from the work being discussed and other sources as well.
Your paper should have an argument that is laid out clearly. It can have more than one argument, but it should be evident what the main thesis is. That thesis can be about the document, or the work of history; or it can be about the past, using the book – and the sources of all evidence – should be made clear