Depression and Anxiety

The essay parts are as follows:

Part 1:

Choose a mental health condition from any of the mental illnesses covered in the module or any other recognised mental health condition and discuss its key features.

E.g Depression

  • Discuss integrated care provision for that diagnosis

e.g stepped care approach

Part 1: Evidences learning outcome A

  1. Demonstrate advanced understanding of common mental health conditions
  2. Demonstrate advanced understanding of strategies to facilitate integrated care across primary and secondary care services

Part 2:

Discuss how mental health policy and Law impacts on your chosen condition and how this shapes service delivery for the specific condition.

Part 2: Evidences learning outcome B

  1. Appraise and apply policy and legislation that influences mental health services in primary and secondary care.

Part 3:

Discuss the assessment and treatment options available for the condition

  • Identify how relapse is detected and prevented; and how physical health is managed.

Part 3: Evidences learning outcome C

  1. Critique a range of intervention options within primary and secondary care
  2. Critique strategies for identifying individuals at risk of relapse and physical ill health

Part 4:

Discuss how mental health promotion and social inclusion has developed and influenced services in relation to the condition or more generally.

  • Identify what more needs to happen to continue improvements in mental health and inclusion.

Part 4: Evidences Learning Outcome D

  1. Critically explore and challenge; ethical practice, mental health promotion, service user involvement, Quality of life and inclusion.