Describe the ethical challenges faced by organizations operating globally.

Describe the ethical challenges faced by organizations operating globally. Give full details of ethical challenges faced by global organizations and support your description with examples and research from your chosen journal articles.

Please use only academically reviewed journal articles (no books, websites or non-journal articles)

Please use full APA throughout (use in-text citations and a APA reference list (only journal articles) Min. 2 references

Minimum 350 words excluding the references


Response to other classmate discussion (min. 250 words)

References from academically reviewed journal articles


Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

Share an insight from having read your colleagues’ postings, synthesizing the information to provide new perspectives.

Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research.

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Make a suggestion based on additional evidence drawn from readings or after synthesizing multiple postings.

Expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives based on readings and evidence.

Ex: You can respond to below discussion using the tips above

An important component of corporate organizations. Business ethics is generally interpreted as related to the business system of moral principles and laws and code of conduct. It is understood that organizations don’t have a universally accepted ethical behaviour because the implementation of moral values and code of ethics varies from one country to the next (Schierup, 2018). Ethical issues in society every business has some obligations concerning the culture it works in. The idea is the cornerstone of the concept of corporate responsibility. The concerns that can occur in the business ethics background are multifaceted; they can be interpreted in the way organizations wish.

Globalization reflects a significant deteriorating of ethical conflict. As companies move into international territories, they will import the real and nice alien constructions. Their acts seem rational, even commendable from their point of view; local traditions seem blinkered, outdated, or even guilty. The query is not that of cynical organizations pursuing global domination and colonization. The rapid move toward globalization allows the ethical dispute area to grow exponentially. The phase of globalization represents a significant expansion in the field of ethical conflict (Iwami & Matsui, 2020, p. 2).

Modern organizations have come to understand the value of being socially responsible and adhering to social norms and structures. This paper aims to address the growing ethical problems faced by global business environment organizations. The paper adopts a concise approach in which the relevant ethical problems are addressed individually for each business area of operations. Some of the most common ethical concerns in international business include outsourcing, employed values and welfares, collection and fair chances in the workplace, teen-ager labour, sureness and honesty, rule, human rights, morality, the political system, the environment, dishonesty and exploitation. Wherever an entity unites and grows, it also enters regions where its mission destabilizes and violates agreed norms of good. Globally trading businesses are compulsory to obey completely with centralized and state security guidelines, ecological laws, import duty and financial reporting statutes and civil privileges laws (Muchaendepi, 2018, p. 5).