Develop a HAZOP study and a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study on a chemical storage facility

Topic: Develop a HAZOP study and a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study on a chemical storage facility.

Software: Other (i will specify in paper details)
Paper details:

The module coursework requires you to develop a HAZOP study and a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study on a chemical storage facility. The QRA study has to be completed using Singapore QRA guidelines. For simplification purpose, consider modelling only for catastrophic rupture of all equipment, a single weather condition and wind direction. Any other assumptions made in the QRA study should be clearly stated and justified in the report.
It is recommended for your report to have the following structure:
Chapter 1: Description of the process unit/storage facility.
Describe in detail the process plant and identify the storage facility. Draw and describe the pipeline and instrument diagram and provide the equipment count for the storage facility. The chemical chosen must be acute hazards, either flammable or toxic. Describe about the process unit/storage facility and must include a Process and Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID). Ensure that the chemicals considered are either flammable and/or acutely toxic. This places the emphasis on rare but potentially catastrophic events. Chronic effects such as cancer or other latent health problems should not be considered in the QRA. The careful definition of scope and depth of study in the application of QRA is crucial to success because it is costly and resource intensive. The site location in google map including the site plan and coordinates of this location must be provided.
Chapter 2: Hazard Identification
Perform a HAZOP study on the storage facility using the below guidewords. Use chemical hazard assessment and Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) study to identify the major accident hazards and explain how various initiating causes can be realised into loss of containment scenarios.

Chapter 3: Frequency Analysis
Perform frequency estimation (i.e. use of generic failure rates and event tree analysis). Fault tree analysis (FTA) permits the hazardous top event frequency to be estimated from a logic model of the failure mechanisms of a system. The model is based on the combinations of failures of more basic system components, safety systems, and human reliability. Event tree analysis (ETA), which may be used to quantitatively estimate the distribution of scenario outcomes (e.g., frequencies of explosions, pool fires, flash fires, toxic dispersal). Commonly used historical failure data sources include:
• United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive Failure Rate and Event Data (UK HSE FRED)
• TNO Purple Book
• Oil and Gas Producers (OGP)
• Specific equipment failure rate – OREDA
Chapter 4: Consequence Analysis
Consequence modelling (using ALOHA software) for each of the identified loss of containment scenarios.
Use ALOHA and MARPLOT software.
Atmospheric Category 2B daytime weather and Category 1F typical night time software.

The wind speed shall be 3m per second.
Use Emergency Response Planning Guidelines (ERPGs) as prepared by an industry task force and are published by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA).
Use National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) as published Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) concentrations to be used as acute toxicity measures for common industrial gases
Harm foot prints

Chapter 5: Risk Assessment
Calculate the individual risk (fatality) value to a hypothetical onsite occupied building and perform ALARP demonstration.

Wind Direction Probability

Steps in calculating individual risks

Chapter 6: ALARP demonstration
Compare IR fatality calculation and evaluate if ALAPR demonstrations are required. Suggest suitable ALARP recommendations where required

Chapter 7: Conclusion & Recommendations
Provide a conclusion and recommendations to conclude the study.





An Example to follow


Pipeline and Instrumentation drawing- Example

Isotable Section and Equipment Count- Example

1. HAZOP Study using the keywords
2. Occupied Buildings Count as per site plan(Occupancy and Estimated population)
3. Loss of Containment Scenarios (Operating process parameters and release scenarios for the various equipment- outcome of event)
4. Failure rates take from reference historical data (eg OGP storage vessel)
5. Storage tank leak frequency data
6. Full Flange release frequency data (per flange joint year)
7. Full manual valve release frequency (per valve year)
8. Full piping release frequency (per meter year)
9. Release frequency calculation tabulation (only catastrophic failure- tabulated calculations to be provided)
10. Ignition probabilities (from literature eg OGP Ignition Probabilities)
11. Event tree calculations (catastrophic failure-calculations to be provided)
12. Consequence modelling (ALOHA DATA INPUT TO BE PROVIDED)
13. Harm zone and footprints results to be provided
14. Tabulation of Consequence and Frequency Results for Occupied Building (sampling one occupied admin building from site plan and for the various release scenarios)
15. Harm zone Worst Case Scenario/ Worst Case Scenario-Offsite on various footprints Distance
16. IR Harm Footprints for Occupied Building
17. Risk assessment (individual risk (IR) fatality calculations should be tabulated and provided)
18. IR results against NEA criteria
19. ALARP demonstrations (Assess the IR gainst the risk criteria triangle and demonstrate ALARP by identifying additional risk reduction measures
20. Conclusions and Recommendations

please inform writer that we need the 1 page draft of the report. What would be the chemical name of LPG, is this available in ALOHA. We need also the p&id together with equipment count to obtain required approval. In summary we are missing chemical name of compound as it appears in ALOHA, site plan and p&id diagram and equipment count.



Other requirements:
• All raw data and excel calculations / tabulations must be included
• Harvard referencing to be used for references
• No of words: 7000
• Times New Romjvzan Font , Font size 12
• Spacing 1.5