Developing a Lesson Plan Using Critical Thinking and Alternative Instruction


One of the several reasons for offering alternative instructional methods is to help develop critical thinking in students. Critical thinking involves learning how to, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate material and concepts, and to demonstrate them. In this assignment you will:
1. Research the concepts of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
2. Read the documents in “Start Here” regarding each of these concepts.
3. Develop a detailed, comprehensive lesson plan that encourages critical thinking in any topic area of your choice, and which uses either analysis, synthesis, or evaluation (or a combination of these) to do so.
4. The lesson plan must be based on an alternative method of instruction, different from the one on which you based your Week Three lesson plan.
5. Accompanying your lesson plan will be a one page description of how critical thinking is encouraged in this lesson and the specific instructional methods chosen to do this and why.
For example, you could develop a lesson plan in cooking class in which students selected from a
wide range of ingredients to develop a recipe (synthesize), predicting (evaluation) how it would work, and then actually doing it in a live kitchen. This is an alternative form of instruction because it is experiential.

Another example might be to have students in a physics class build a model of a concept or give a presentation to the class where they explain how air pressure works. In having to build the model they must use the concepts of analysis and synthesis. In giving a presentation about air pressure they must use analysis and evaluation. This involves a student-designed activity and is
Lesson plan and one page write-up is due end of day Sunday please remember to reference and cite all sources 7th edition ApA style format must be used!!!!