Diagnosing Childhood Disorder With DSM V

Diagnosing Childhood Disorder With DSM V

Research Project – Pick a childhood disorder that has a DSM V diagnosis (see your textbook or
DSM V manual).
Research that disorder using professional journal articles (available through Troy library).
Describe the following:
1) A thorough description of the disorder and how it affects children and/or adolescents. Give the
diagnostic criteria for the disorder (available in your textbook and DSM V manual).
2) Any disorders which co-occur with the disorder you researched, and how that complicates
diagnoses as well as behavioral presentations and symptoms

3) how the disorder is treated. Be thorough with treatments and their effectiveness.
4) Prognosis: if a child is diagnosed with this disorder, how likely is it that the disorder will
improve over time? If not, what will the disorder look like into adulthood or later in life?
5) Find a case study of the disorder you chose (this is usually in research articles but it can be a
person you know ) and tell their story of living with the disorder and how it has impacted their life.
The project will be turned in using a link provided under Week Eight Modules.
Each answer to each question should be thorough.
Each page will be double spaced and 12 point font. Each question is worth 20 points for a total of
100 points for the assignment.
Each page is worth 10 points.
Provide references used to answer the questions on a separate page, labeled “References”. Cite
the references by using APA format as you are writing the answers as well as for the Reference
After submitting the assignment, you will be able to access your paper via the link where you
turned it in if it has been submitted correctly. Make sure you read and understand all rules
against plagiarism before completing this assignment (see below). This assignment may be
turned in early, but not late! No exceptions, as it is available all term, and it can’t be graded in
time if this assignment is late.
As you read over requirements for your research you will notice there are 5 things to include in
your paper. You will write this paper exactly as you would any other research paper, and follow
APA style. That means your paper will include a Title Page, Abstract, content pages, and references pages. All will be doubled spaced and 12 point font. You won’t worry so much on the
number of pages for this paper, as much as you will need to make sure you address all 5 things
that should be included in the paper. The 5 things are listed out in the description of your
research project. Make sure you include the information asked for as listed 1-5, but the amount
of content for each of those 5 things will vary, depending on which disorder you have chosen.
You will be graded on APA format, organization, use of references, including all information and
content thoroughly, and grammar.

Disorders, Examples:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Anxiety. Depression. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Conduct Disorder (CD). Tourette Syndrome.