Diagnosing Using the DSM – Vignettes

Diagnosing Using the DSM – Vignettes 


The DSM is a classification manual used by professionals in the field of psychology. For this
assignment, you will diagnose three clients. The vignettes for each client, “Unit 4 Case Study
Vignettes,” which are included.
**For each client, indicate the diagnosis and discuss each criterion the client fits and does not fit
for that diagnosis from the DSM-5 (which you should cite).
**Select one of the clients and in a separate, final section of the paper, complete the following:
**Analyze two recommended treatments for the client and explain why they would be
recommended (one or both of these treatments should come from a current peer-reviewed
journal article).
**Support your analysis with a peer-reviewed journal article about the diagnosis you chose for

this client.
**How well does the article’s discussion of the diagnosis compare to the behaviors the client
**As a professional in the field of psychology, how would you use the information from the article
to inform your professional behavior?
For this assignment, you are expected to meet the following requirements:
Title page: Include your name, course, date, and instructor.
Reference: DSM-5, textbook, two or more peer-reviewed journal articles.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (sixth edition) style and
Length of paper: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Unit 4 Case Study Vignettes
1. Jenny
Jenny is a 35-year-old woman who grew up in a middle class family. Her mother was an
alcoholic. Her father was often absent because of the demands of his career. Jenny reported that

she is the middle of three female siblings. Her eldest sister works as a model.
Jenny works as an accountant. She reports she is good at detail work and careful to check and
double check her work.
Jenny has been in some serious romantic relationships but has never been married. “Things just
never seem to get that far.” She ended the last relationship she was in after giving her boyfriend
an ultimatum, “Marry me or let’s end this.”
Jenny reported that she was sexually molested by a babysitter at age 8. She told her parents but
nothing was done other than that the family never hired the sitter again.
Jenny was referred by her physician, whom she had consulted in regard to insomnia. She
reported that the insomnia has been going on for several weeks. She has been fatigued during
the day, and does not have the motivation or interest she previously had for life’s demands. She
noted that even pleasurable activities no longer interest her. She feels tired and cannot focus on
her work as well as she did earlier.
The therapist notes that Jenny is quite thin. She agrees that she has become quite thin, and
reports she has not been eating much lately. She states, “I just don’t have an appetite.”

2. Fred
Fred was raised in Houston. His father and mother were both successful realtors. He is the
middle of three brothers, who remain close. He remembers, “We never wanted for anything.”
Fred was an A student in high-school and college, and a top athlete. He completed medical
school and now practices as an anesthesiologist at a local hospital.
Fred experienced some emotional distress a number of years ago as he considered coming out
and letting his family know he is homosexual. His father initially struggled with the news but
came to accept it. Fred’s father is quite amiable towards Fred’s partner. Fred’s oldest brother was
nonplussed by the news. Fred and his partner are welcome in his brother’s home. Fred’s
mother’s response was “I don’t believe it. Please never mention this again.” The youngest
brother’s response was to accuse Fred of hurting mom.
Fred has again been experiencing emotional distress this past year as he and his partner
discuss the idea of either marrying or having a commitment ceremony. Fred is certain that he
wants to do this, but struggles with the question of what to tell family members and whether to
even invite his mother and youngest brother.
In this context Fred complains of daily panic attacks. These generally occur when he is getting
ready for work, or near the end of the work day. The panic attacks started several weeks after

Fred was robbed at gunpoint at a subway station. This occurred four months ago. He stated he
does not think he was particularly affected by the attack, but wonders because the panic attacks
started soon after. Following the attack, Fred decided he is not going to use the subway anymore
because it is too dangerous. Fred has been commuting by bicycle even though it is often difficult
to negotiate the city streets by bike.
Fred reports that there is no mental illness that he is aware of in his immediate family. He
strongly suspects that his mother’s father was an alcoholic, because he remembers his
grandfather smelling of alcohol during his (Fred’s) childhood, and because his mother refuses to
have any alcohol in her home.
3. Sally
Sally, 23, is brought in by her parents. They are both in their 60s. Sally is the youngest of five
siblings, all of who are at least ten years older than she. All are now married. The four oldest
siblings were raised on the family’s farm. When Sally was about 10, her parents sold the farm
and moved to the small city where they now live. Two of her siblings live in the same area. Two
have left the area to pursue work opportunities.
Sally seems irritated. She states, “Will you explain to my parents that I don’t need to be here. I

want to get home and work on my book.” The family explains that Sally has been writing a novel.
Sally believes that once she publishes her work, she will be acclaimed as the new direction for
American literature.
Sally works as a ticket agent for an airline. She has continued to live at home in order to save
money to attend a graduate school program. Sally’s parents are concerned. They report they
hear her typing in her room for hours at a time, even during the wee hours of the night. Her
mother is concerned because she can’t be getting much sleep. Alternately she becomes
frustrated about writer’s block, so much so that she has broken things. This is not like her. They
also worry because she recently bought a new car that they do not believe she can afford. They
feel this is an unusual step for her. She states that their concerns do not take into account the
large advance she will get once she shows her novel to a publishing agent. Sally’s parents are
not sure if they are over-reacting or not. Her mother says, “At least she’s not like Ted was.” Ted is
an older brother who made a suicide attempt several years ago, and is now treated with antidepressant medication.
It is difficult to get Sally to talk about much other than her writing. She eventually agrees to
discuss other topics, “If that’s the only way I’m going to get out of your office this morning.” She
states she has good relationships with all family members, especially her young nephews and
nieces. However, she does not have time for family right now. She also reports she is now
irritated with her parents for selling the farm ten years ago. “That would have been the perfect
environment in which to have some peace so that I could focus on writing.”

Sally denies that she has any other problems worth talking about.
Textbook Reference:
Hooley, J. M., Butcher, J. N., & Nock, M. K. (2019). Abnormal psychology (18th ed.). Boston, MA: