Different Faces of Culture. Cultural Diversity

Now that you’re at the end of this module, it’s time to write your critical reflection, which is part of the Assessment 2 (Critical Reflective Portfolio).
In summary, your weekly reflections should demonstrate that you have read, understood and reflected on the learning materials. They may include any combination of the following – see Assessment 2: Critical reflective portfolio (Individual) for more detailed instructions:
Apply concepts to your work or personal experience
Provide brief responses to 1-2 questions or activities:
Where is your culture on Hofstede’s dimensions? Have a look at this website: https://www.hofstede-insights.com/ (Links to an external site.)and use the tool to compare countries (Links to an external site.).
How does your cultural background make it easier for you to work/study/live internationally?
Ask a colleague/friend/family member to describe a cross-cultural situation in which he or she is currently involved. Analyse it from a crosscultral perspective by using any relevant dimension covered in this module.
One criticism of Hofstede’s work is that the scores on each dimension reflect only an ‘average tendency’ of a particular country, and therefore inadequately reflect the wide range of responses given within a country to the survey, particularly from ‘sub-cultures’. Look at the profile of your country by using Hofstede’s tool to compare countries (Links to an external site.) and consider its analytical value, particularly with regard to any sub-cultures which you are aware of within your country.
Use real-world examples
Raise 1-2 questions that the learning materials have caused you to consider
Relate the content to additional resources you find
Present any ideas or insights that the learning materials have triggered