Discussion 2 Role Play Which Programs Will We Keep

In this discussion, you will continue examining child protection services by evaluating the effectiveness of child protection resources from organizations that provide information and support for at-risk families. Specifically, we assess the outcomes of parenting programs for at-risk families using role-play. To prepare for this discussion, review any of the various chapters from Rubin (2012) listed in the Recommended Resources for Week Two, as well as the Week Two Instructor Guidance. When responding to this discussion, depending on the first letter of your last name, you will select either the California Department of Health Care Services (Links to an external site.) website or the Los Angeles County Department of Child and Family Services (Links to an external site.) website and speak from a specific role about whether to keep or terminate a specific program that supports at-risk children and families.

  • If      your last name begins with A-M, speak from the role of a Los Angeles      County Department of Child and Family Services official who wants to maintain      an existing parenting program that supports at-risk children and families.
  • If      your last name begins with N-Z, speak from the role of a State of      California Director of Health Services who wants to eliminate a specific      parenting program that supports at-risk children and families to reduce      costs for the state.

Initial Post: Speaking from the role you are assigned, write an initial post about whether to keep or eliminate a specific program that supports at-risk children and families. Use the two websites listed above, the recommended Rubin (2012) readings for Week Two, and at least one additional scholarly source to provide support for your argument. Be sure to state which role you are assuming in this role-play activity and the specific program you are discussing at the beginning of your initial post. Next, write your argument as a formal letter to the citizens of your assigned locality (i.e., either LA County or the State of California). Your letter should be written succinctly (i.e., it should not be lengthy) and persuasively and include a specific call to action  See full work attached.