Discussion Essay Help (American History Homework Help)

This is the question you need to answer in the paper.

Despite FDR and Americans’ language of freedom, equality, and democracy through the “Four Freedoms” abroad and at home, some groups of people were left out of this equation. Read the two primary sources and compare and contrast them (with specific examples from the primary sources). Use the textbook (with page numbers) to provide context for how blacks were treated after the war and how they dealt with their treatment despite serving in the military as loyal Americans.

This week’s chapter focuses on the Second World War. President F. Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms­—Freedom of speech, of worship, from want, and from fear (painted by Norman Rockwell)—represented America’s unity at home and greater role on the international stage. They represented the idea that “American security was global in scope and could only be protected by the worldwide triumph of core American values” (862). But despite the language of unity, freedom, and equality, there was once again (as in WWI) a disconnect between the language of democracy and equality espoused by FDR and the reality, for many, of living in America. Divisions among Americans still remained regarding the New Deal and unrestricted economy, the racial order, and women in the workforce. Once again, we see the importance of language as representative of one’s ideals as the U.S. entered (albeit late) the deadliest war in history and emerged as one of the world’s two great powers.

Your initial post for this discussion should be 250-300 words. All posts (initial and peer response) are expected to have substance and relevance to the prompt.

Short sentences (i.e. “I agree”) and brief posts that simply restate information are not considered substantive.

you have to do the citation and make sure you checked your grammar.

I will upload everything I need. read them all, please. REMEMBER: When quoting or citing the primary source, make sure you are not actually referencing Foner’s introduction to the source.