Discussion Post Respond About Dante’s Inferno

Discussion Post Respond About Dante’s Inferno

Read Dante’s Inferno Canto 12-17, Response to someone’s post in “Topic_Week5 pdf.” about 400 words.

About responding to others: Debate and disagreement on readings are very much encouraged in this forum, since differing viewpoints allows us as a class to think critically about Dante’s work. Intellectual debate is what literary analysis is all about.  Just make sure when responding to a classmate you are doing so respectfully and backing up your points with evidence from the text.

Blog posts should demonstrate that you have done the reading. More importantly, they should show that you are engaging the materials we are studying and thinking critically about them. Your post can highlight the particular material we are studying that week, or you can make connections across the different materials that we have encountered so far this semester.