Diversity in the work environment in Saudi Arabia

Project Instruction

Students must work in a group from 2 to 4 students to conduct a complete research proposal on a topic of their choice, or one

proposed by the professor of the course. The project should include the following components and should be at least 10 pages

in length (excluding the title page and the references page).

  • Introduction: The student will need to introduce what the research proposal topic is about. (Estimated length – one page)
  • Problem Statement: You need to identify a very specific problem within the stated topic. Do not let that problem be too broad. It should be narrowed down to a specific problem that is researchable. Present that problem in a general thesis statement stating why the problem is important enough to study. (Estimated length – one paragraph)
  • Rationale for the Research: You will need to explain what the study intends to accomplish. What rationale was used to determine the importance for this study? How does your study relate to larger issues? Make a persuasive statement to justify the reason for the study. Why is the study important? To whom is it important? What benefits will occur if this particular study is done? (Estimated length – half a page)
  • Statement of the Research Objectives: Identify the objectives and the purpose for the study. Example: The purpose and the objectives for this study are to … Identify/understand/determine…. (Estimated length – half a page)
  • Hypothesis: A hypothesis is really an educated guess. A hypothesis results when the questions are transformed into statements that express the relationships between the variables within the proposed study. It is sometimes referred to as an “if/then” statement. (Estimated length – half a page)
  • Definition of Terms: Define a minimum of five terms used throughout the proposal so that readers can be sure to understand the meaning of the terminology used. (Estimated length – half a page)
  • Summary: Include a restatement of the problem and a summary of the proposal. (Estimated length – one paragraph)
  • Review of the Relevant Literature/Related Research/Literature Review: Provide a minimum of five research studies that address the same topic chosen for the proposal.
  • Method/Research Procedure/Methodology: Determine the method of research for the proposal. Examples could be: qualitative, quantitative, and case study (Estimated length – two paragraphs)
  • Participants: Provide specific identification for the proposed participants for the study. Include a description, the possible number within the population, the proposed location, and the selection procedure. Be specific when identifying the selection process. Then identify how a representative sample will be drawn from the population. (Estimated length – half a page)
  • Research Design: Determine how to conduct the data collection and the proposed analysis.. (Estimated length – half a page)
  • Instrumentation and Data Collection Plans: State the sources and/or instrument(s) proposed to be used to record the data (surveys, interview protocols). Identify the procedure. For a mailed survey, identify steps to be taken in administering and following up the survey to obtain a high response rate. Determine how to specifically conduct the research based on the proposed sample (Estimated length – half a page)
  • Proposed Analysis of the Data: Identify what results are expected from the sample. Identify how the categories of responses will be determined and analyzed. Address specifically what the proposed results could infer back to the population.
  • Implications and limitations: Identify and label a minimum of two (2) implications and a minimum of two (2) limitations for the proposed study.