Ecological Fallacy

Download and thoroughly review the List of Biases, Fallacies, Traps, and Errors for its equivalent to one’s personal life.
discussion below and respond to the following:
Share how you or a loved one avoided falling into or did fall into one of life’s traps, or how a
fallacy nearly led or did lead you or a loved one astray in your thinking regarding God. Why do
you think God allowed this in your or their life? Share a scripture that demonstrates God’s
provision to us when we become trapped
Give a research example of the impact of the bias/fallacy/error corresponding to your alphabetical position on the cohort roster and repeating as necessary. Be sure to address the
study design most prone to the trap, its likely source, how it may impact the study outcome, and
how to control for the trap.
God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all
times, you may abound in every good work. (2 Corinthians 9:8, NLT)
The disciplines of Statistics and Epidemiology complement one another to add to our
understanding of patterns, cause and effect relationships, data interpretation and collection as
means to understand specific characteristics and risks about populations. The outcomes that are
achieved through these two disciplines seeks to contribute to other disciplines and their
knowledge and understanding of diseases and risk. The work of the statistician and
epidemiologist is great given the vast amount of diseases that exist, yet they are graced for the
even greater task at hand. Greatness can come at times with a burden that we may feel
inadequate to carry through to the finish mark. However, the greatness that we each carry
contributes to the greatness of another. God’s greatness and grace is sufficient for us all. His
ways and thoughts are higher than ours, and His vision goes a greater distance than we can
ever see, and He extends such measures of power toward us for the greater good.
Whatever it is that God has charged upon your life, He has extended an abundance of grace for your endurance and success. Our success will never be independent of God’s grace, and His
grace will abound in every good work that we put our hands to for the greater. Open your mind,
heart and soul to embrace God’s grace.