Effect of Gentrification on Children

Effect of Gentrification on Children 


  • AtLEAST 2 pages long. Can be more than 2 pages, but cannot be less or else I will not review it.
  • Must have AT LEAST 2 socio-scientific peer-reviewed articles. After those 2 are included you can include any other source (newspaper, book, your textbook, website, etc.) but 2 academic articles must be included.
  • Reference page (no need to annotate it, just include the references listed in proper APA format). THIS IS SEPARATE FROM THE 2 PAGE REQUIREMENT, THIS DOES NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR 2 PAGES.
  • At least three to four in text citations in APA format (please visit the Purdue Owl writing website I suggested, as well as the APA site in the BMCClibrary page.I have included some PDF links for you below).
  • 1st paragraph must have:  your  Thesis (with essay map) sentence; and you outlining the rest of your paper to the reader. We discussed this during our last Virtual Session, if you were absent please make sure to contact a fellow classmate so that they may fill you in on what you missed.