Effective performance management (PM)


Effective performance management (PM) is vital if organizations wish to be efficient and effective and sustain and improve their competitiveness in the current difficult operating environment.

-key requirement is to initiate actions and strategies which generate, support and sustain employee engagement because without the wholesale commitment of the workforce organizational performance is likely to suffer. Consequently, organizations are constantly reviewing and overhauling their approaches in order to deal with workforce issues and improve employee engagement.

Although their aim of increasing workforce engagement was the same, the two companies recently adopted very different approaches to resolve their individual difficulties.

Task 1 [words 1800]

comprehensive well researched referenced essay which compares, contrasts and assess the effectiveness of the approaches used  by Ginsters and Nampak to increase motivation and enhance employee performance and engagement among the whole workforce. Discuss which approach, in your view, is likely to have the most long term impact for the company and its employees.

Task 2 [words 700]

Personal reflection

As the work in this module has emphasized, employers not only require employees with specific skills and expertise and knowledge within their chosen specialist field but also a range of generic attributes and abilities which enable them to integrate and operate effectively in the workplace. In the light of work undertaken for the module, discuss how these may be overcome either with or without the help of your future employers.