Effects of Transgender in the Workforce /Workplace

Effects of Transgender in the Workforce /Workplace

Must form a hypothesis.
must use psych info, psych articles
The Literature Review paper is not a standard research or term paper. Writing a literature review
requires you to present a thematic overview of the findings of a set of studies in the field of
psychology related to a hypothesis you propose to study further. You will not be conducting a study.
Instead, you will identify and review recent pertinent studies that inform what is known (and not known) about a topic of research in psychology that you select, and propose a testable hypothesis
for further investigation of the topic. This paper requires you to demonstrate the information literacy
skills necessary to locate and evaluate study findings relevant to the topic and communicate this
knowledge in a thematic fashion using good written expression and APA style 6th edition.
Your review must cite 10 articles published 2010 and after in peer-reviewed academic journals that
present relevant research studies with empirical data. You must also attach a printed copy of the
“detailed record” taken from an electronic database for each of the ten journal articles you cite. You
must also upload PDF versions of the articles to Bb or submit printed copies.
The completed paper must be a 5-6 page word-processed paper (exclusive of title page and
references page) using APA style and formatting guidelines. You must upload a Word file NOT PDF
file to Turnitin.
The final paper should include the following sections of a standard APA research report:
Use APA style guidelines for literature review

Title Page
1. In the first paragraph, explain why the research topic is an appropriate one for investigation.
2. The bulk of the rest of the review should explain 3-4 key findings found in 10 recent (2010+)
empirical studies from peer-reviewed academic journals and what these findings show about the
topic of study.
3. Cite each of the ten articles at least once. Use the past tense to describe findings (‘researchers
found’) and present tense (e.g., “results show”) to discuss results and present conclusions.
4. In the last paragraph, use these conclusions to explain how the topic should be studied further,
and propose a testable hypothesis for its study.
References: All cited articles must be listed as references in APA style.