Eithad Airlines Strategic Management

Eithad Airlines Strategic Management

You have obtained various information regarding the company and its marketing environments
and activities through PART A, B, and C. Now, you will need to develop a tactical marketing
recommendation for the company using the 7Ps (i.e., product, place, promotion, pricing, people,
physical evidence, and process). Answer the following questions:
1. How would you improve their marketing using the 1st P (product)?
Describe in detail (i.e., packaging, features, flavors, size, physical objects, services, places,
organizations, and ideas)

2. How would you improve their marketing using the 2nd P (a place or distribution channel)?
Describe in detail (i.e., Will you use intermediaries? Which intermediaries and why?)
3. How would you improve their marketing using the 3rd P (promotion)?
Which method or combination of methods did you choose and why? (i.e. advertising, sales
promotion, PR, personal selling, direct and digital marketing, and word of mouth)
* Note: Promotion is Module 7’s topic. If you need, you can read Module 7’s chapter readings
(THM 8 & 9) located in the Textbook PDF files folder in the getting started section.
4. How would you improve their marketing using the 4th P (pricing)?
What are your pricing strategy and your rationale?
5. How would you improve their marketing using the 5th P (people)?
Describe in detail (i.e., hiring, training, motiving employees, offering rewards to employees,
educating customers)
6. How would you improve their marketing using the 6th P (physical evidence)?
Describe in detail (i.e., facility design, equipment, business cards, employee dress)
7. How would you improve their marketing using the 7th P (process)?

Describe in detail (i.e., standardized services, customized services)
8. How and when will you measure the success of the strategies you recommended through Q1-
Hospitality & Casino Marketing Project Structure:
The contents should be summarized.
Single space in 12-point font size.
List your answer in a number format.
Be sure to record all sources of information you have used in your assignment report. Follow the
APA format for the in-text citations and the reference list. The APA style guides are posted on
Word counts excluding the reference list.
PART D: Minimum 1000 words; Maximum 1500 words in length