Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Essay 

Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Essay 

Paper Instructions

Write a 5-7 page (not including title and reference page) paper surrounding the topic of emotional intelligence and its role in organizational effectiveness. Consider discussing emotional intelligence and other leadership qualities and skills needed to lead change in an organization.


For this assignment, begin by watching the following TedxUCIrvine talk, The Power of Emotional Intelligence: https://youtu.be/auXNnTmhHsk

After you watch the video, take the Emotional Intelligence Test here: https://globalleadershipfoundation.com/geit/eitest.html

Now that you have watched the video and finished the Emotional Intelligence Test, use the following prompts as a guide to complete this assignment:

Reflect on Dr. Travis Bradberry’s discussion about Emotional Intelligence (EI).

What were 2-3 key things you took away from the discussion

Review the results of your Emotional Intelligence Test and assess the key strengths and weaknesses of your results as they relate to the five components of EI.

Consider summarizing each of the five components and relate them back to your results in your paper.

Explain the role of EI in leading change in an organization.

Consider describing other key traits and characteristics of an effective change leader.

Your paper should include a title page, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference page, per 6th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Use of headers to direct reader attention is encouraged. The use of at least three scholarly sources is required