English essay -My World of the Unknown

Your task is to write a thoughtful, carefully-argued paper in response to one of the following prompts.

1. Discuss the challenges Rifaat’s story “My World of the Unknown” poses for its audience. What sorts of background information might Western readers need to make sense of the story? Are there ways in which the story challenges Muslim attitudes about women, sexuality, etc.?


2. Discuss Rushdie’s treatment of identity in “Chekov and Zulu.” In what ways are the main characters torn between East and West? (Hint: You may find it useful to learn about the term “hybridity” as it appears in post-colonial studies.) How do tORhey resolve this conflict?


3. Can we read “TV People” as a story about Westernization? If so, what point does it make? (Hint: you may want to think about the manner of the story, and not just its matter. Why do people often call Murakami Kafkaesque?)