Epidemiology of a Community Health Problem

Write a formal APA paper on the epidemiology of your selected health topic.The paper should be between 3-5 pages and include a title page, an introduction and conclusion, in-text citations, and references. No abstract needed. This should be written as a scientific paper which includes 1 data table included as the body of your paper which will support your statements. This table is one you will create from a data source. Please do not cut and paste a table. Please use the following subheadings below as APA headings in the body of your paper:

Pathogenesis of the health issue or disease (using the host, agent, environment format described in Unit 3 reading will help to focus this paper)
Data display (As a table per APA format)
Review the literature about your chosen health issue, and present salient points.

Present the data related to the spread of the health issue or problem in chart, graph, or table form.

Conclusions about the impact of health issue or problem on the population are drawn from the data.

At least 3 professional references are required.