
Instructions This assignment is designed to provide an opportunity to apply the concepts presented in the Unit V Lesson regarding controlling ergonomic risk factors with proper work environmental design.

Specifically, you will be evaluating a work task to identify specific control measures that can be implemented to improve the design of the work.

For this assignment, you will evaluate the same video from Unit III and IV to identify opportunities to improve the task using the concepts presented in your Unit V Lesson.

Click here to access the video for this assignment. Please note that this video includes audio. You are required to develop a report that includes the following information:

1. identification of ALL of the environmental factors you observed in the video;

2. summarization of ALL the environmental factors you observed, including the potential impact each of them could have on the worker; and

3. recommendations for controlling the environmental risk factors using the hierarchy of controls (you must include at least one of each of the controls: engineering control, administrative control, and PPE).

Your completed assignment must include a minimum of two outside sources, one of which must be from the university Online Library, and the assignment must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and references pages.

You may also include graphics to illustrate your design recommendations.