Essay: Ethnicity And Diversity In The Legal Sector

Essay on the relationship between ethnicity and diversity within the legal sector. I.e law firms

Discuss the lack of ethnic diversity within the legal profession.

PLEASE INCLUDE STATISTICS ABOUT CURRENT ETHNICITY/ETHNIC DIVERSITY IN LAW FIRMS. Be very objective in your writing and mention how implicit bias may contribute to the lack of diversity in law firms.

Discuss the Underrepresentation of Racial and Ethnic Minorities in Legal Occupations. Show current data on Racial Percentages of Work-Age Population Over Time. Also show data of Representation of Race of attorneys located in Charlotte, NC.

Due Saturday April 11th 2020

Price $20.50

Length: 5-6 Pages. APA Format. Peer Journal Articles as sources. MUST SITE THE SOURCES IN THE ACTUAL PAPER!