Ethical and Legal Issues within Medical Radiography

Topic: Radiation Exposure to pregnant females

  • Topic: Ethical and Legal Issues within Medical Radiography; pick from approved topics
  • 3 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman; size 12 font
  • One-sided paper, 1 inch borders
  • If you choose to include pictures, remember to cite them. You must include more length to your paper to make up for the space lost. Example: If a picture takes up ¼ of your page space, you need to write enough to make up for that ¼ page
  • Paper must include…
    • Cover Sheet (title, your name, class name, semester)
    • Introduction paragraph (state your topic and what the reader will obtain from reading your paper)
    • Body (define/describe your topic, the importance of it, what it is used for, interesting information, etc.)
    • Summary (1-2 paragraphs)
    • Evidence of research
      • At least 3 sources must be cited within your paper (1+ on each page)
      • Quotes, research information, figures, charts, images, outside opinions, must all be given a source of reference (i.e. you did not do the actual research, so the information must have come from somewhere; cite that place)
      • References should be labeled clearly within the paper (MLA or APA format). They must refer to the page (article or book) the citation came from. When using web sources be sure that you are using a reliable source (Wiki not allowed). Web addresses on the reference page must be exactly the same to where you found the information
    • Reference Page: a separate page that includes all sources used within the paper (MLA or APA format only)