Ethical Legal Paper Writing Guide

Ethical Legal Paper Writing Guide

4 pages excluding Title Page
Title of Topic or Legal Issue.
Introduction—Why I chose to write on this legal issue or topic.
Brief of my Legal Case (Based on your viewing You Tube
Video/s on “How to Brief a Legal Case”
Name of Plaintiff
Name of Defendant-Professional Role of Defendant
Name of Court
Jurisdiction (where the court is located)

Plaintiff’s Complaint – describe what happened that led to the legal complaint
Was it an act of omission or commission?
Was the action or omission a deviation from the standard of care?
Was the deviation from the standard of care the direct cause of the Plaintiff’s injury? (damage
sustained—physical, mental, emotional)
Was there expert testimony provided by an Expert Witness?
Who served as an Expert Witness?
What did the Express Witness State?
Do you agree with the Expert Witness, Why or Why not?
Legal Issues Related to the Complaint
Redress – What the Plaintiff demands to resolve his complaint
Defenses presented by the Defendant–what Defendant presents as reasons for why he is not
legally liable, e.g. Statute of Limitations, Informed Consent, Assumption of Risk, Immunity
Do you agree or disagree with the Defendant’s Defenses? Why or Why Not?
The Court/s Ruling—What the Judge or Jury decided (The Verdict)
Do you agree with the Judge or Jury’s Verdict? Why or Why not?
What is the impact of the verdict on local, state or federal policy?
What are the health care implications of this case?
What Ethical Principles are Associated with the Act of Omission or Commission Alleged by the
Plaintiff? (You may integrate the principles below in explaining why you agree or disagree in the
above sections where the question of whether you agree or disagree is raised.)

Beneficence – Do good.
Non-maleficence-Do no Harm
Autonomy – right to self-determination
Justice-Equal distribution of burdens and benefits
Role Fidelity-Conduct that is expected in ethical and competent evidence-based professional
Conclusions and Recommendations
Impact on local, state, or federal policy and/or general healthcare implications
Minimum of 4 References,
Citations must be in APA Format
I email the case for you to use to write the paper.