Explain the Meaning of Education

Explain the Meaning of Education

In class, we will be reading about intelligence, the learning process and education in our lives. An Educational Autobiography is a story of your experiences, both inside and outside of school, that have had an influence on your education, your growth, your career choice and life goals. It is not a list of all the schools you have attended, but an analysis of the experiences you have gone through that shaped the person you are today.
By the time you complete high school, you have already spent over 14,000 hours in classrooms. These hours will often say more about what you believe about education and teaching than what the standard concept of an education really is. It is quite impossible to capture your entire
14,000 + hours in one essay, so think about the experiences or moments that were most critical to your own development as a student.
The Assignment
In a complete academic essay:
Explain what the meaning of education is you and what is the significance of an education in your life?
Before you start writing, consider the following questions to help you formulate ideas:
Think critically and reflect on the following categories:
What was the purpose of your education? Why were you sent to school?
What did your teachers teach you about the world? When? How? Why?
Was your experience in schools “good”? How do you know?
Develop alternatives and reflect on positive and negative learning / teaching experiences.
Reflect on how the events you have written about shaped and will shape your experiences as a learner and professional practitioner.
Critically reflect on how others (adults, peers etc.) shaped and / or influenced you as a learner – teacher.
Reasons you have chosen to go into your chosen profession and what you hope to accomplish.
As you write the first draft consider the following elements:
As you are writing, it is important to think carefully about both the intentional and unintentional learning (e.g. hidden values, messages, rules, beliefs) that impact your beliefs and values regarding school.

You will be writing about your personal experience as well as incorporating information from our readings. You must use at least two of the readings covered in this unit as sources to help you analyze the issues being exposed. Be sure to pull in several examples from the readings to illustrate your point.
The final draft should have all of the parts of an academic essay: an introduction paragraph with a thesis, several focused body paragraphs with clear topic sentences, and a conclusion paragraph. It should be at least three pages long and have a Works Cited page that is not part of the page count for the essay.
This essay must be in MLA format. It should be written in a 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced, paginated, and one inch margins all around. All final essays must be submitted on Canvas.
Things to Shoot For:
A clear, specific thesis statement in the introduction paragraph that directly answers the questions in the assignment.
Multiple body paragraphs that follow an organizational strategy.
Body paragraphs that each focus on one specific subtopic related to the thesis; that subtopic is clear in each body paragraphs topic sentence.
Body paragraphs that accurately summarize the reading and state and support your opinion from the thesis
A carefully proofread final draft that is generally free of distracting and confusing sentence-level errors and correctly cites the readings you’ve used.
Make sure your compatibility report is not more than 25% in your essay. This means that only 25% of the writing in this assignment can come from an outside source. The other 75% of writing must come from you.