Final Research Paper 

The Research Paper 

The final research paper should build on the information in your research proposal and should incorporate your week 5 literature review. It should also include revisions based on the feedback  you have received on those assignments.

Here’s the format of the paper:

Title Page of the Paper. The title of your paper  should be brief but should adequately inform the reader of your general topic and the specific focus of your research. Keywords relating to parameters, population, and other specifics are useful. ALWAYS  use a title page and insert page numbers for graduate work! Your title page will include the title, name, course name and number, and professor’s name.

Please label each of the following sections in your research paper:

Introduction (1-2 pages):  This section provides  an overview of the topic that you are writing about. It situates your topic in a broader context. In addition, the introduction should clearly state your research question and hypothesis.

Literature Review (3-5 pages):  This section should  incorporate your week 5 literature review and any revisions based on feedback received.

Data and Methodology (1-2 pages):  This section  should incorporate any feedback received on your week 2 research proposal. This section provides the reader with a description of your strategy to conduct research for this paper. It identifies your dependent and independent variables and how you operationalized  them. It describes the data you used (whether quantitative or qualitative) and the method you used to analyze it to arrive at your findings. This section also describes any limitations you discovered about your strategy and how you overcame them.

Analysis and Findings (4-5 pages):  The results  section of the research paper is where you report the findings of your study based upon the methodology you applied to gather information. The results section should simply state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation. When formulating the results section, it’s important to remember that the results of a study do not prove anything.  Findings can only confirm or reject the hypothesis underpinning your study. Make sure that you make connections back to your hypothesis and the extent to which it was supported or not. Remember, we can also learn something from a hypothesis that was not supported  by the data.

Conclusions (1-2 pages):  This section will contain  the concluding analytical arguments based on what research has revealed to answer the research question.  Like any conclusion, it should provide a synopsis of the project, the strategy, and the results and what they add to the body of knowledge. This section  should also offer suggestions for avenues of future research for other scholars, as all knowledge is evolutionary.