
You will become the subject matter expert by conducting research based on your chosen title/topic and then reporting your findings in a potentially publishable manuscript. You do not have to seek approval for your topic. Choose any health/healthcare related topic of your choice that you feel is a significant problem within the United States.

Findings: Briefly introduce your research topic. While this may seem redundant at each section, it is important to remind the reader at the beginning of each section.

The following section will discuss the limitations, use and applications of findings, and recommendations of the research. This section requires one paragraph in length. Limitations Discuss the limitations of your study. Do not leave this paragraph empty; there are always limitations (e.g. time, funding, scope, etc.). This section requires one paragraph in length. Use and Application of Findings Summarize your findings from your research. (For example: The use and application of these findings may contribute to…by….). This section requires one paragraphs in length. There should be at least 3 recommendations (each a separate paragraph).

Recommendation 1: Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate. This section requires one paragraph in length.

Recommendation 2: Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate. . This section requires one paragraph in length.

Recommendation 3: Thinking outside the box, think of what recommendations you can make to improve the problem you have identified previously. Elaborate why your recommendation is appropriate. . This section requires one paragraph in length.

Conclusion Summarize your research study/topic here. Your conclusion may end up being a few pages, depending on the length of your research. This section requires a minimum of two paragraph in length. References Remember that any reference in your reference list must be present in your paper in the form of a citation (Author, year). Likewise, any citation in your paper must be present in your reference list. Refer to your APA Handbook 6th edition for more detailed information on developing a reference list. For your Assignment 4 you need a minimum of Four (4) scholarly references.

For each written assignment make sure you address all required instructions/criteria as noted within each assignment located within the assignment instructions/grading rubric.

There’s no specific amount of pages and or word count for each assignment. Address all questions presented and if the instructions/criteria states a paragraph make sure your paragraphs consist of  minimum of five complete sentences.