Forum Assignment – subsidized programs

Forum Assignment for the Week:  550 Words minimum


Mikesell, John L. (2018). Fiscal administration: Analysis and applications for the public sector. 10th ed. Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9781305953680.

Rubin, Irene S. (2015). Public budgeting: Policy, process and politics. New York, NY: Routledge. ISBN: 9780765616913.



Topic: As depicted in this Module’s readings, government accommodations of citizens’ demands for public goods and services are facilitated in part through subsidized programs, depicted as safety nets, while simultaneously controlling market fallacies and increasing efficiency. Entitlement programs eligibility categories can include disabled, aged, and single parent families. Examples of subsidized programs include food assistance, public housing, and healthcare. Some programs are characterized as contributory or non-contributory.


For this week’s Forum, respond to all of the following:  


Thread Prompt: in a 500-word evaluation, students will:


  1. Select a US state or local government that has not filed a petition for bankruptcy.


  1. Evaluate the past three-years of appropriations, distributions, and expenses for the contributory program and non-contributory program.


  1. Analyze one specific Contributory Entitlement Program and one Non-Contributory Program that you have not utilized from any of the past Module Assignments.


  1. First, articulate a well-documented review of the 3-year appropriations, distributions, and Expenses. (Provide the supportive Website of the numerical data in references);


  1. Second, synthesize the fiscal stress and/or strength on the overall State/Local Budget through analyzing the trends of appropriations in comparison to total state revenue (tax collections) and expenses, balances of funds, surpluses, and fiscal year budget adjustments vs. balanced budget.


  1. Third, specify and emphasize the fiscal budgetary impact of your selected contributory and non-contributory program.


  1. Justify or scrutinize ethical or unethical practices of financial policies, fees, and/or charges through a Judeo-Christian perspective.


Sources & citations required (APA 7th edition)



  • Ideas and citations from all the required reading and presentations from the Module/Week
  • Ideas and citations from two scholarly sources

That’s a total of at least 4 sources.


General Instructions Applicable to All Forums:

To receive 100% as a grade (the exemplary level) for the weekly forums, you should ensure that your responses meet the following criterion:

Critical Analysis – Discussion postings display an excellent understanding of the required readings and underlying concepts including correct use of terminology. Postings are made in time for others to read and respond as well as deliver information that is full of thought, insight, and analysis. The information presented makes connection to previous or current content or to real-life situations, and must contain rich and fully developed new ideas, connections, or applications. (It is important that you integrate the weekly readings in your response. One way to do that is to make position statements, then discuss supporting evidence (i.e. research and/or personal experience).
Professional Communication and Etiquette – Written interactions in the Forum show respect and sensitivity to peers’ background and beliefs (Regardless of the position you are taking, please ensure that your participation comments are respectful to your peers’ background and beliefs).

Writing Skills – Written responses are free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.  The style of writing facilitates communication. (Make sure your work is free of errors.  If there are any errors as outlined above, you will not receive 100% for the forum).