Foundations Of Real Estate 10

Real Estate Industry Careers
The following Course Outcome is assessed in this
GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication
through the composition of original materials in Standard
Introduction: There are many specialties within the real
estate industry such as real estate brokerage, real estate
sales, real estate appraisal, mortgage brokerage, mortgage
lender, real estate inspection, property management, and
association management to name a few.
Do some research on the Internet and address the checklist
items in an informative essay.
1. Explain the realistic pros and cons of a career in real estate.
2. Explain which of the real estate related career areas you find
the most interesting, and why.
3. Describe how you would prepare for a specialty area career
in the real estate industry.
4. Describe any educational requirements for an entry level
position, exam, and/or experience requirements.
5. Describe the personality traits necessary for the career area
you choose. Then determine if you have the requisite
personality traits (extroverted/introverted, detail orientation or
big-picture; team player/not; like structure/not). You can do an
Internet search for free personality tests.
6. Describe the skills and abilities that are needed, those skills
and abilities you have, and those skills and abilities you
would still have to acquire.
7. Explain where you be working, out of doors, out of your car,
in an office or a combination.
Assignment Details
4/2/2020 Sample Content Topic 2/2
8. Describe the resources needed (including funds, transport,
etc.) for the chosen specialty area career.
9. Explain how well you are, or are not suited to your chosen
real estate career specialty area based on your previous
10. Explain how you would theoretically advance in that chosen
You can access the Occupational Outlook Handbook from
the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics as a resource (see the
reading area).
Use APA format and citation style and include an additional
reference and title page.
Limit the use of direct quotations; instead, paraphrase and
cite the author’s work.
Use Standard English and demonstrate superior
organization, communication is highly ordered, logical, and
Cite all viable references and reference all works using
APA citation style.
Access the Unit 10 Assignment grading rubric.
Submit your minimum 500-word informative essay with
additional title and reference pages using APA format and
citation style to the Unit 10 Assignment Dropbox.