‘fpu have the fpllpwing infprmatipn apput a cpmpanv’s A and B divisipns: swam – . sum Averag e Dperating ass ets $12, _ Return pn investment [R DI}…

Thank you so much.Thank you so much.Thank you so much.

‘fpu have the fpllpwing infprmatipn apput a cpmpanv’s A and B divisipns: swam -—.p………m. sum —Averag e Dperating ass ets — $12fl,flflfl ———_Return pn investment [R DI} 15% iZluestipn:1. Cpmplete missing infprmatipn a. $ Average Dperating assets fprA Divisipnp. 96 Marg in far A Divisipn e. Turnpver far A Divisipn is times. d. $ Sales fpr B Divisipn e. $ Dperating incpme fpr B Divisipn f. 96 Return pn investmentfpr B divisipn 2. Assume A Divisipn has a minimum required rate pf return pf 12%. Based pn this infprmatipn and 1,,I’pur caleulatipn s appve, determine A Divisipn’s residual inepm e.3. Assume that A Divisipn has an investment pppprtunitv that wpuld 1,,I’ie|d a rate at return at 13%. If the divisipn manager’s perfprmanee is being measured bv HUI, is she likelv tp acceptthe pppprtunitv? Wh‘ul’ prwhv net?

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