Free speech and Diversity

Topic: Free speech and Diversity [As it relates or do not relates to a democratic society]


Paper details:

Chandler Spring 2020ENG 111/ENF 3Final Research paper in this 4-6 page paper, you will synthesize at least 3 scholarly, peer-reviewed resources and, optionally, 1 or more popular resource(s) into an argumentative, academic research paper. (4 total sources minimum)OBJECTIVE: The student will be able to demonstrate critical thinking by executing the following skills: choosing a narrow and refined topic, developing and supporting all claims thoroughly with empirical and scholarly texts and (not required) personal experience (with a much larger emphasis on empirical, scholarly evidence), editing and revising their writing for effective style and usage appropriate for a higher level composition course, effectively organizing their paper, asserting one viewpoint over another in an argumentative paper, incorporating and documenting appropriate resources without plagiarizing, and using proper grammar and mechanics appropriate for collegiate level writing at the introductory composition level. You will be the writer/author and budding expert on your paper’s topic. You are joining a larger conversation that consists of a group of scholars/experts on your chosen topic. Be sure to build your ethos by citing credible sources and backing up ALL claims with empirical evidence. Audience: Your audience is 3-fold: Me (Professor Chandler), Your Classmates (Peer Review), and Other Persons Interested in Your Topic (everything submitted to the internet is open to the public). Therefore, you need to keep in mind that this is an academic essay in which you will be establishing your authority to these audience members. Format: Your format is an academic paper.Please have 1-inch margins all aroundInsert a header in the top-left corner with your name, Professor Chandler, ENG 111-###, and the date (Day Month Year) ChandlerSpring 2020ENG 111/ENF 3Insert a header at a half-inch margin in the TOP RIGHT with only your last name and the page number.Your paper must be 4-6 pages and double-spaced in TIMES NEW ROMAN size 12-pt font.Do not add extra spaces between your paragraphs.Make sure your paper includes a thesis statement, body paragraphs that cite credible sources and support any conclusions you’ve drawn, and that you refer back to your thesis consistently throughout the paper.Do not forget to include a conclusion or a title.Your paper should be in MLA format and follow proper MLA citation rules for all sources you have addressed.Topic: You are writing an argumentative academic research paper. You will choose a topic related to your career choice/college major OR a topic addressed in one of the readings from the Rhetorical Analysis Paper. Ideally, you choose a topic that deals with something controversial so you are able to set forth an argument.Here are the topics from the RA Paper texts that you can choose from IF you do not have a Career Choice/College Major chosen:A) civility and free speech in either the classroom or in society at largeB) free speech and diversity (how they relate or do not relate in a democratic society)C) activism (either in sports or in general)D) how society uses rhetoric and language in social issues (“The Careless Language of Sexual Violence” but also in politics, policies, advertising in general)o The power of language/the power of naming/the power of the connotation behind words.or E) the issue of acculturation and assimilation in the American society for immigrants or refugeeso Lack of support for immigrants or refugees in relation to social expectations, learning English, etc.o The issue of immigrant or refugee families losing their home language/letting their native language die once immigrated to America(“Mother Tongue” and “Thick of Tongue”)For this assignment, there will be several parts (Proposal, Annotated Bibliography, First Draft, Revision Plan, and Final) in order to scaffold your Final Research Paper to ensure you stay on track.For this essay, you are choosing an arguable, controversial topic surrounding your career choice/college major or a topic from the RA Paper texts which you will gather credible resources for in order to report information about and support the claim you are making. Make sure that your topic is arguable and NOT a matter of taste/opinion, NOT a matter of belief or faith, and INVOLVES AT LEAST 2 points of view. You are arguing that your stance ChandlerSpring 2020ENG 111/ENF 3is PLAUSIBLE, reasonable, supportable, and worthy of being taken seriously, not necessarily “correct.”Please provide within your essay: A strong, arguable claim (thesis), Necessary background information, Good reasons to support your position (Why it is important/matters), Convincing academic/scholarly/empirical evidence, Appropriate support for any claims/ideas you make, and Proper attribution/citation.You must utilize proper MLA citation throughout the entire research process. ANY detection of plagiarism will result in a zero. You DO NOT have to use a popular source at all if you do not wish to do so. It is just an option. You are synthesizing the research and articles you find in order to support YOUR claim. You are NOT just summarizing research for me. That would be called a Review. You are not writing a Review; however, you are writing an argumentative research paper. Use the scholarly evidence you find to back up your argument. You are joining the conversation surrounding your chosen career and its controversial topics. Therefore, you need to add something to this larger conversation, not just sum up what everyone else has already said. That is where a strong thesis statement comes in.**The following topics are OFF LIMITS: Abortion, Capital Punishment/Death Penalty, Immunizations/Vaccinations, Legalizing Marijuana, Gun Laws, and Lowering/Raising the Drinking Age. Teach me about something new! Please, choose a topic concerning your career choice/college major or from the RA Paper texts!Your Final Paper IS your Final “exam.” If you do not turn in a Final Paper, you will not pass this course.