Gap inc supply chain of any one product

Topic: Gap inc supply chain of any one product


Paper details:

Questions need to be answered are Section 2: Product/Service Supply Chain Analysis (70 marks) Pick a product/service that you own, or use, or consume and make a visit to the company’s operation. 1. i) Describe its supply chain, going as far upstream as possible to raw materials. o Where and how was it made? o Where were its components/parts made? o Where were the raw materials/resources sourced from? o How long did this take? How many steps and movements? 2. ii) What are the key challenges in the planning and operations of this supply chain? (To answer this, pick the below questions relevant to your product/service consideration) • What were the key issues in managing inventory, warehouse and distribution? • How does the supply chain under consideration collaborate and manage their materials? • Does the supply chain under consideration have any risk and sustainability issues? • How does the supply chain under consideration measure performance? • How does the supply chain under consideration leverage the usage of technology to compete with leading supply chains? Assessment method for Section 2: 3. Selection of unique product or service supply chain and rich data from both primary and secondary sources of information (10% = 7 marks). Students are encouraged to visit the company to see and experience its operations and supply chain in action. 4. Tracking of supply chain (30% = 21 marks) o End to end supply details including the location and how the product is sourced (8 marks), making (8 marks), time (2 marks), steps (3 marks) 5. Analysis and presentation (60% = 42 marks) o Selection of a typical predominant challenge applicable to the product/ service supply chain (6 marks out of 42) o Depth and relevance of research (10 marks out of 42) o Synthesis and evaluation of data (10) o Application, analysis and understanding of appropriate concepts (10 marks out of 42) o A clear, professional and well-presented report (6 marks out of 42)