Gender Pay Gap

The Cause and Effect Essay should culminate into at least four (4) full double-spaced typed pages in length (approximately 1900-2100 Words).
Six (6) pages maximum. These pages must be single-sided with 1 inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font. Also, the paper must
adhere to MLA formatting conventions, which include:
• The top left of the first page: your name, your instructor’s name, the course title, and the due date.
• Your last name and the page number should appear at the top right corner of every page.
• The title of your paper must be centered on the first line after your identifying information and should not be bolded, underlined, italicized, or in a different font/font size.
The Cause and Effect Essay will be assessed based on the following criteria: 1)structure, 2)content, 3)grammar and 4) MLA formatting.
Proofread carefully! And know that length MATTERS—essays that do not conform to at least six (6) full double-spaced pages will be reduced in connection with the length that is provided. Review the uploaded “Checklist for Evaluating Essays” link under the “Course Documents” tab.
Provide at least five (5)hard source (peer-reviewed research) examples.