Generalized anxiety disorder in older adult

Topic: Generalized anxiety disorder in older adult 

Paper details:


This is a Critique. Qualitative article analysis paper and discussion


This is an individual assignment. Half of the class will be assigned a quantitative article to review and the other half a qualitative article. Each student will be assigned one of the articles in the content area of the course to critique. Analyze this article according to the information in your text. Each student will write a critique, a 1500 to 2500 word paper consistent with APA format critiquing the quantitative or qualitative nursing research article assigned. Use the grading criteria for a quantitative or qualitative study critique posted in the content section of your course. Students will address:


Overview of the Study, title and abstract/ Global issues

Introduction to the Study

Methods Section

Results Section

Discussion Section

Papers will be submitted to the assignments area by the due date. Then, as assigned, each student critiquing a quantitative  article  will post their paper by section in the main discussion room. The other students (qualitative) will review and discuss the papers online in the discussion forum. The posting students will be responsible for conducting the online discussion, responding to questions, etc. through the week.


The reverse process will occur when those critiquing a qualitative article will post their papers  in the main discussion room. The other students (quantitative) will review and discuss the papers online in the discussion forum. The posting students will be responsible for conducting the online discussion, responding to questions, etc. through the week.


This assignment will be graded using this objective grading rubric structure. The grade will consist of the elements of the paper critique as well as the performance in conducting the online discussion.


Remember that this is a “critique” and not a summary. Many students make the error of citing the information regarding sampling, design or statistics, straight from the article. The purpose of the assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts in the reading as translated to the critique assignment. You will lose points in each section if it is not properly critiqued. Check your text thoroughly and follow the guidelines set out in each appropriate chapter. Most chapters have a table that summarized the information required to critique that section. Additionally, your paper must consist of your own original critique, and not a series of direct quotes. Simply writing down direct quotes is not a critique.


Critique examples: Some suggestions of poor and better wording that apply these critique principles are below.












The quantitative article being critiqued is titled, “Adolescent Pregnancy Diagnosis and Outcomes: A Six Year Clinical Sample” By Mary Aruda, Margaret McCabe, Pamela Burke and Pamela Litty. It was published in the 2008 Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. The title of this article is well written.


The title suggests that there are two independent variables to be compared, salicylic sugar powder and the chlorhexidine. The title informs us that the dependent variables include cord separation and “other outcomes”; one could argue that the use of “other” is fairly ambiguous. Polit in Beck in the Essential of Nursing Researchtext also suggest that the title be 15 or fewer words, where this article’s title is 25 words it could be improved by condensing.






The hypothesis and the research questions were adequately stated.  They did a great job at defining what the factors that they were identifying were and describing how they would be measured.


The authors did not explicitly lay out a hypothesis, but this is justified because they are looking to expand knowledge through discovery in this descriptive study.


Statistical methods


The differences of healthy control and the chronically ill were compared by using analyses of variance.


Between-group comparisons were performed via chi-square or Fishers Exact test on categorical variables.  The study used Independent t tests on continuous variables and Mann-Whitney test on ordinal variables.  Each of these tests was appropriate because the statistical test matched the level of measurement as noted.




Research design


The design used was appropriate for the purpose of the research.


The qualitative research design used was grounded theory. The use of this design is congruent with the methods that were used to collect the data which was through the use of interviews. The children and parents were each interviewed twice; the day after the procedure and before discharge. The time spent in the field was limited and it may have been beneficial to interact more with the patients.










Introduction Section Critique


Evaluation Criteria








Very Good


















1) Introduce the nursing research study you chose.


2) Provide a description of the purpose of the study


3) Address the significance of and need for the study and the gap in the literature 4) Discuss the importance of this research problem to nursing practice.


5) Evaluate the credibility of the researcher(s).






All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner


Thoroughly addresses all elements of this criterion, however, more refinement was needed


Adequately addresses all elements of this criterion, however, one (1) element is not fully developed.


All elements of the criterion are addressed, however, two (2) elements are not fully developed.


Did not address one or more of the elements OR content is off topic OR the content is superficial or not well developed


Method Section Critique


Evaluation Criteria








Very Good
















1)Identify research design


2) State the sampling plan.


3) Evaluate the sampling plan strengths and weaknesses including sample size.


4)Identify how data was collected


5)Describe the strengths and weakness of the data collection methods


6) Explain how human subjects were protected




All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner


Thoroughly addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, more refinement was needed.


Adequately addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, one (1) element is not fully developed


All elements of the criterion are addressed.


However, two (2) elements are not fully developed


Did not address one or more of the elements OR content is off topic OR the content is superficial or not well developed.


Results Section Critique


Evaluation Criteria






Very Good
















1)Describe the data analysis methods used


2) Address how the analysis methods were appropriate for the research design


3) Summarize the data findings and identify if the researcher made defensible conclusions


All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner


Thoroughly addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, more refinement was needed.




Adequately addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, one (1) element is not fully developed


All elements of the criterion are addressed, however, two (2) elements are not fully developed.


Did not address one or more of the elements OR content is off topic OR the content is superficial or not well developed


Discussion Section Critique


Evaluation Criteria








Very Good
















1) Identify three distinct strengths of this nursing research study. Provide an explanation of why they are strengths, using your knowledge of the research process and details from the research study to support your reasoning.


2) Identify three distinct weaknesses of this nursing research study. Provide an explanation of why they are weaknesses, using your knowledge of the research process and details from the research study to support your reasoning.


3) Based on your review of this nursing research study, discuss whether or not the strengths outweigh the weakness and if the findings contribute to meaningful evidence guiding nursing practice.


4) Do the findings appear valid (quantitative studies) or trustworthy (qualitative studies).




All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner


Thoroughly addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, more refinement was needed.


Adequately addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, one (1) element is not fully developed


All elements of the criterion are addressed, however, two (2) elements are not fully developed.


Did not address one or more of the elements OR content is off topic OR the content is superficial or not well developed


Scholarly Writing


Evaluation Criteria








Very Good
















1)  Paper is well written, organized within the paper limitation.


2) The conclusion summarizes important points made in the body of the paper.


3)  Grammar, spelling, punctuation are correct.


Conforms to APA standards for headings, citations and reference page.


All components of the criterion are addressed in a comprehensive and thorough manner


Thoroughly addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, more refinement was needed.


Adequately addresses all elements of this criterion.


However, one (1) element is not fully developed


All elements of the criterion are addressed, however, two (2) elements are not fully developed


Did not address one or more of the elements OR content is off topic OR the content is superficial or not well developed.



Research critique rubric and SLO critique: students who score 85% or better have exceeded expectations, those scoring 75-84% have met expectations, those scoring 74% or lower are below expectations.

Research critique rubric and SLO critique: students who score 85% or better have exceeded expectations, those scoring 75-84% have met expectations, those scoring 74% or lower are below expectations.

Criteria            Ratings            Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Introduction Section Critique Evaluation Criteria

1) Introduce the nursing research study you chose. 2) Provide a description of the purpose of the study 3) Address the significance of and need for the study and the gap in the literature 4) Discuss the importance of this research problem to nursing practice. 5) Evaluate the credibility of the researcher(s).

20.0 pts


16.0 pts

Very Good

14.0 pts


12.0 pts


10.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Method Section Critique Evaluation Criteria

1)Identify research design 2) State the sampling plan. 3) Evaluate the sampling plan strengths and weaknesses including sample size. 4)Identify how data was collected 5)Describe the strengths and weakness of the data collection methods 6) Explain how human subjects were protected

20.0 pts


16.0 pts

Very Good

14.0 pts


12.0 pts


10.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Results Section Critique Evaluation Criteria

1)Describe the data analysis methods used 2) Address how the analysis methods were appropriate for the research design 3) Summarize the data findings and identify if the researcher made defensible conclusions

20.0 pts


16.0 pts

Very Good

14.0 pts


12.0 pts


10.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Discussion Section Critique Evaluation Criteria

1) Identify three distinct strengths of this nursing research study. Provide an explanation of why they are strengths, using your knowledge of the research process and details from the research study to support your reasoning. 2) Identify three distinct weaknesses of this nursing research study. Provide an explanation of why they are weaknesses, using your knowledge of the research process and details from the research study to support your reasoning. 3) Based on your review of this nursing research study, discuss whether or not the strengths outweigh the weakness and if the findings contribute to meaningful evidence guiding nursing practice. 4) Do the findings appear valid (quantitative studies) or trustworthy (qualitative studies).

20.0 pts


16.0 pts

Very Good

14.0 pts


12.0 pts


10.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Scholarly Writing Evaluation Criteria

1)         Paper is well written, organized within the paper limitation. 2) The conclusion summarizes important points made in the body of the paper. 3) Grammar, spelling, punctuation are correct. Conforms to APA standards for headings, citations and reference page.

20.0 pts


16.0 pts

Very Good

14.0 pts


12.0 pts


10.0 pts


0.0 pts

No Marks

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SLO #1

0.0 pts

Below expectations

0.0 pts

Exceeds expectations

0.0 pts

Meets expectations

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SLO #8

0.0 pts

Below expectations

0.0 pts

Exceeds expectations

0.0 pts

Meets expectations

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome SLO #9

0.0 pts

Below expectations

0.0 pts

Exceeds expectations

0.0 pts

Meets expectations

0.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0