Generating Electricity from Biomass

Problem Statement (1 page)

– A concise description of the nature and purpose of the problem so that all concerned will   know what project was completed.

Literature Survey ( 1 page)

  • Conduct an extensive literature survey of the project concepts and present a summary of your literature search.

System Schematic (£ 2 pages)

  • Where physical systems are involved, a schematic representation of the system(s) is usually a valuable aid in informing the reader about the project. Detail description of each system component and function should be provided.
  • Consider the constraints your system must operate within. For instance, is your design realistic in terms of cost, manufacturability, size, weight, safety, reliability, serviceability, environmental and social impact? Is there a liability issue associated with the use of your system? Trade-offs must be made wisely.

Analysis (£ 3pages)

– Describes the theory used. The theory furnishes the background information which is relevant for a particular study. All assumptions made and their justifications should be clearly stated. The theory should proceed from the general basic relationships and evolve the specific formula(s) to be used in the interpretation of data. Engineering analysis is most effective when it is done systematically.

General Rules

The written report should appear professional in every way. A well written presentation will show that the writer is meticulous and convince the reader/grader that a great deal of care went into completing the project.

1)  Text must be typewritten or produced with a word processor (double spacing).

2)  Use one side of the page only.

3)  Use short sentences and correct grammar.

4)  Start a new heading on a new page.

5)  Number all pages of the report.

6)  The length of the report should not be more than 22 pages!

7)  The entire report should be bound before submission.

The research project is intended to help you develop creativity and engineering judgment. It is also intended to provide an opportunity to practice communication skills.