Generational Issues in the Workplace. Multigenerational Organizations

Generational Diversity in the Workplace

For this Case Assignment, we are going to revisit the good folks at Informational Systems. Remember the generational issues they were having in Module 3? In that Case you were asked to discuss which management styles would or would not work to help resolve their issues. Now we are going to get the key players around the table and start the negotiation phase.

Pay attention to the details. Though the scenario states that “One of the issues is interdependence,” is there really only “one” issue?

Here again is the scenario:

The issues in the software development area of Informational Systems have grown into a genuine workplace conflict. One of the issues is interdependence—the Millennials want to schedule their work on their timetable and not rely on the work schedule of the older Baby Boomers. Also, the Baby Boomers are pushing for changes in the rewards system—they believe that bonuses should be commensurate with performance, while the Millennials think that everyone should be rewarded equally for participation in projects.

Case Assignment
NOTE: There are no right or wrong answers for this assignment. What’s important is how thoroughly you support your responses.

After reviewing the scenario and the readings, especially the sections (including the embedded videos) on Stages of Negotiation and Types of Negotiating Strategies, prepare a 2- to 3-page paper on the following:

First define exactly what you think is really driving the conflict.

Then Using the five-step process found under Stages of Negotiation, work through each step describing what you would do to meet each step’s criteria. Use your experience and the readings when working through the questions – not all of the information you will need to answer the questions is in the scenario. Begin with Preparation and Planning.

Your paper should follow this outline and answer each of the questions:

Statement of the issue: what do you think is the actual underlying concern that is causing these two groups to not be able to work together? Support your answer using the scenario.
Then respond to these questions under each Step as noted in the Stages of Negotiation section.

Preparation and Planning
What do you as the leader of the negotiation want to walk away with?

What are the goals of each party?

What do you think they will ask for?

Do you think either party (or both) has a hidden agenda? Why/why not?

What might they settle for? Does that differ from what you have in mind?

Definition of Ground Rules
Who will do the negotiating for each party?

Where will the negotiation take place?

Will there be time constraints placed on the process? HINT: Go back to the scenario to see how quickly you think this needs to be resolved).

Will there be any limits to what each party wants? Why/why not?

What will you do if an agreement cannot be reached? If you bring in a third-party negotiator will it be 1) an Arbitrator, 2) a Conciliator, 3) a Consultant, 4) a Mediator? Explain your choice based on the scenario and the information under “Third-Party Negotiations”.

Clarification and Justification
Describe your position as negotiator.

Describe the millennial’s position.

Describe the Boomer’s position.

Bargaining and Problem Solving
What is your optimal solution as negotiator?

Would the millennials accept this? Why/why not?

Would the Boomers accept this? Why/why not?

If neither party accepts, what will you do?

If both parties accept, what will you do?

Closure and Implementation
What is the final resolution agreed to by all parties?

How will you implement it?

Assignment Expectations
Use concepts from the modular background readings as well as any good quality resources you can find.
Cite all sources within the text and in a reference list at the end of the paper.
Length: 2–3 pages double-spaced and typed.
The following items will be assessed in particular:
Your ability to follow prescribed assignment content guidelines.
Your ability to apply the basic concepts to the questions.
Some in-text references to the modular background readings (APA formatting required).
The essay should address each element of the assignment. Remember to support your answers with solid references, including the case readings.
