GG Freightways (GGFRT) CIO Organizational Structure Memo Paper

CIO Memo Assignment Hints/Additional Resources

For the CIO Memo Assignment, you do not need any immediate feedback from the ITSP #2 (which will also have no audio feedback, that was completed in the ITSP #1) to complete the CIO Memo, but if any content is incorrect, it should be correct in concept as you proceed.  The CIO Memo is a standalone document as is the IT Decision Paper, but the feedback from the ITSP #2 will be needed to complete the IT Decision Paper.  Thus, ITSP #1 and ITSP #2 are not to be integrated into the CIO Memo and/or IT Decision Paper.  Please ensure you follow all formatting spelled out in the assignment instructions

Information to work on the CIO Memo:

This document must be written in Memo format which means at the top of the document, I should see:
(followed by the appropriate information following each colon)

  1. Introduction and Purpose:  this should be a brief paragraph noting some of the current inefficiencies in the IT Department noted in the case study, thus need for the CIO to reorganize the IT Department into a CIO Organization.  Since the memo is written to the CFO, the purpose is to convince him/her to approve the organizational changes you will be presenting in later sections.
  2. Leadership Philosophy & Management Style:you should have a short paragraph about your leadership philosophy and another for a specific management style (Participative, Autocratic, Laissez Faire, others…with a source).  There should be 2 separate paragraphs so the discussion for each is segregated.  The specifics (examples related to the case), must be tied into the content. Please review the formatting for this section in the assignment instructions.

Discuss both (1) leadership philosophy and (2) management style of the CIO, not the organization or IT Department.  Leadership:  authoritarian, participative, delegative, and others are examples.  Incorporate business strategic objectives, the company’s current IT Portfolio and role of the Governance Board in these projects.

The Leadership Philosophy of 3 P’s: Passion, Purpose, People:

Leadership Philosophy, J. Byrne:

14 Example Leadership Styles That You Should Know:

  1. Internal IT Strategies: three (3) internal IT strategies must be presented, you can use an Internal IT Strategy from the ITSP #2.  They must address one (1) each of “People”, “Process” and “Technology”.  Each must also explain how they will improve the organization’s effectiveness in your discussion.  A short introductory, relevant paragraph to the section mustbe completed.  The provided table in the assignment must be fully copied/pasted into your assignment, including the example provided in the table.

They will not include completion of planned systems or the names of the systems unless you justify how these will improve current processes/systems.  These should not be the business strategic objectives from the ITSP #1 assignment.

Some good examples include:   better organization of the IT Department, transforming it into a CIO organization; refresh/improve the IT infrastructure for the company (similar to above); incorporating governance, prioritize the governance system and projects; process improvements; alignment of IT goals with organization; determine appropriate hardware and back-end software; disaster recovery plan creation; prioritize security needs/plans (including personnel and data); outsource any potential services; increase IT staff; improve product labeling (RFID technology); staff development/training of employees; improve help-desk software and adequacy of personnel; more effective interaction/communication between terminal managers and IT Department; implement SDLC; implement a website for the company; online applications; ensure solutions are meeting business goals; software refresh; automation of inventory; maintain a reliable network; implement redundancy into our architecture (to better ensure backup as part of the BCP; replace outdated hardware; maintain standard operating procedures; cross-training opportunities for IT staff; utilize feedback in decision-making; review current business trends to ensure the company is providing innovative solutions to remain competitive; improve performance of application developers; review current systems to ensure they are meeting needs of the company now and in the future; consider COTS solutions to save developer/programming time; ensure data infrastructure is meeting operational needs; provide network with 24x7x365 availability; create and utilize metrics to gauge success of IT projects; expand web-based applications; implement work orders/help tickets into the help-desk function; establish clear roles for IT Department/CIO Organization employees .


  1. Current IT Department Structure:  an organizational chart of the 25 IT personnel must be created.  Please ensure by reviewing the case study you have the proper reporting structure of each employee.  The opening paragraph should be very thorough (detail of the personnel, number of personnel).  The total number of people in your new organization should be stated in the opening paragraph along with numbering of personnel (if more than one in a position, for example, programmers) so I do not have to question the total number of people when assessing this section. Please review the scoring rubric for how this section will be evaluated. These should not include the President, Vice-President of Operations, CFO or other company managers not under the IT Department umbrella.


  1. New CIO Organization:  explain in a paragraph or two how a CIO Organization is different than an IT Department.  This should discuss specifics on the case study including Lance/his department.  Incorporate current activities/inefficiencies versus what the CIO Organization hopes to achieve for the company in the future. (1) Functions of an IT Department should be included, (2) functions of a CIO Organization should be included, and, (3) the difference between an IT Department and CIO Organization.  A reference should be included for full credit.
  1. Key Services: the table should be copied/pasted from the assignment leaving the provided example.  This should list/explain three (3) key services (personnel or sub-departments of the new CIO Organization that you are proposing, not names of systems).  For example, if you decide to incorporate a Help-Desk Supervisor over the help-desk personnel or eliminate a Shift Supervisor and/or CIO Assistant, these staff moves would be an example of an entry.  Explanation/justification of your personnel changes should be explained.  In the 2nd column, an IT Strategy from Section #3 should be included, then the relationship/alignment between the Key Service you provided, and the IT strategy fully explained.  Thus, there must be justified alignment from your IT Strategy content (section #3) and the Key Service content (section #6).
  2. New CIO Organization Structure: the opening paragraph should explain what organizational changes you will be making, along with justification.  The key services from Section #6 must be provided in the new organizational chart.  The total number of people in your new organization should be stated in the opening paragraph along with numbering of personnel (if more than one in a position, for example, programmers) so I do not have to question the total number of people when assessing this section.  The structure should be logical similar to Section #4.
  3. Key Milestones:these should be key milestones (tasks/events) related to the organizational changes you have provided in the Key Services/New CIO Organization Structure.  For example, in the Key Services and New CIO Organization Structure you added a help-desk manager, this should be included in this table.  Completion of any of the projects is not a key milestone.  The provided table should be fully copied/pasted into your assignment, including the provided example.  For column two, the target completion date must be a date in the future, not “in 3 months”, “in quarter 3”, etc.  Dates must be in chronological order or deductions will apply. Issues with accomplishing each milestone should be well explained and relevant to the key milestone provided.
  4. Conclusion: this should summarize your intent of the assignment (you can refer back to Section 1’s current inefficiencies and purpose of the memo).  A summary of some of the sections can be incorporated.  Always, since these organizational changes must be approved by the CFO, include a statement at the end of follow-up with the CFO for his/her approval and to reach out to you (CIO) if any questions arise.

Please ensure formatting of the paper follows the information on page 4 (sub-labeling of Leadership Philosophy section).  Sources must be presented in APA format.  For proper APA format, please review resources within the classroom.  Errors that I have seen in the past include sources not being on their own separate page, sources being presented in alphabetic order, a hanging indent for sources (first line of a source on the left-hand margin, following lines indented).  This paper can use first person in your writing.