Give a general description of the company. Below, give the titles of the 4 main financial statements. (Some companies use slightly different…

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1. Give a general description of the company.2. Below, give the titles of the 4 main financial statements. (Some companies use slightly different terminology for thetitles of the financial statements) (Copy and paste the entire 4 finandal statements here. The snipping tool may beuseful for apturing the entire financial statement.)Income statement (this is not the same as comprehensive income):Balance sheet:Statement of owner’s equity:Statement of cash flows:3. What accounting firm audited the company? (Copy and paste the section of auditor’s opinion here that contains theaccounting firm name) To receive credit, you must state, highlight or circle the answer.4. What is the date ofthe current fiscal year end for the annual report?5. For the current year fill in the amounts for the accounting equation: Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity = + 6. What is the largest individual asset account for the most current year?7. What is the largest individual liability account for the most current year?8. What is net income for the most current year?9. What depreciation method(s) does the company use? (Copy and paste the section of the footnote/financial statementhere that contains the depreciation information) To receive credit, you must state, highlight or circle the answer.10. What is the largest category of property, plant and equipment? (Copy and paste the section of the footnote/financialstatement here that contains that information). To receive credit, you must state, highlight or circle the answer.11. What is the amount of gross property, plant and equipment? (Copy and paste the section of the footnote/financialstatement here that contains that information) To receive credit, you must state, highlight or circle the answer.12. What is the amount of accumulated depreciation (Copy and paste the section of the footnote here that contains thatinformation) To receive credit, you must state, highlight or cirde the answer.13. What is the amount of net property, plant and equipment? (Copy and paste the section of the footnote here thatcontains that information) To receive credit, you must state, highlight or circle the answer.14. What type of stock(s) does the company have?15. For the common stock what is the: (Copy and paste the area of the annual report here that contains thatinformation)Pa r/stated value:Shares authorized:Shares issued:

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