Global Economics Paper

• This task has to be done individually
• Answer the questions associated with one of the two report topics below.
• Submit your answers in a pdf at the Turnitin section of week 5
Report Topic 1: You work at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Mexico. Your supervisor has requested that you prepare a policy note
on the effects of the recent USMCA trade agreement.
Your task is to prepare a policy note that covers, the following points using the relevant economic concepts you have seen during the course up to
this point:
Research Questions
1. Describe the most relevant USMCA agreements for Mexico’s imports and exports.
2. Provide evidence of which Mexican sectors and producers have benefited the most out of the agreement.
3. Provide evidence of which Mexican sectors and producers have benefited the least out of the agreement.
4. Provide evidence of which Mexican consumers have benefited the most out of the agreement.
5. Provide evidence of which Mexican consumers have benefited the least out of the agreement.
The policy note should have the following structure:
o Introduction
o Research Questions
Answer each of the research question using a separate section for each one
o Conclusions
Close the presentation with your personal conclusions based on your research
o References
References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
Make sure you provide an objective analysis and are backed up with actual data and proper analysis of the trends and figures.
Recommended sources:
• Data: Office of the United States Trade Representative
You should use additional relevant sources: specialized press, internet material, etc.
Report Topic 2: You work at the European Department of the International Monetary Fund. The Department Director has requested that you prepare
a policy note on how the last two crisis Brexit and the pandemic of COVID-19 can affect the stability of the European Union as the highest level of
economic integration.
Your task is to prepare a policy note that covers, the following research question using the relevant economic concepts you have seen during the
course up to this point:
Research Questions
1. Provide general information about the actual situation of European Union using the main macroeconomic indicators (GDP growth,
unemployment rate, inflation, current account balance…)
2. Show the importance of the EU economy compared with the economies of other countries in percentage terms, (for example: EU GDP
represent xx% of the World Economy) and the countries with it trades the most.
3. A discussion about the effect of COVID -19 and the Brexit on the stability of the European Union with the rest of the European members
4. Discuss the different measures which have been taken by the different members of the European union for dealing with Brexit and COVID-19
and mention if they agree or not
The policy note should have the following structure:
o Introduction
o Research Questions
Answer each of the research question using a separate section for each one
o Conclusions
Close the presentation with your personal conclusions based on your research
o References
References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
Make sure you provide an objective analysis and are backed up with actual data and proper analysis of the trends and figures.
Recommended sources:
• National statistical institute / Central Bank
• Eurostat
• European Union
You should use additional relevant sources: specialized press, internet material, etc.
• Wordcount: maximum of 2000 words
• Add the proper References at the end. References are excluded of the total wordcount.
• Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
• Text alignment: Justified.
• The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
Submission: Week (5) – Via Moodle (Turnitin). Sunday 23rd August at 23:59
Weight: This task is a 40% of your total grade for this subject.
It assesses the following learning outcomes:
• Develop a complex understanding of the main concepts of international economics covered during the topics of the first 4 weeks;
o Analyze the highest form of economic integration
o Understand and analyze the different global economic theories;
o Advantages and disadvantages of economic integration
o Positive and negatives effects of international trade