Global Marketing (Australian Company)

Global Marketing (Australian Company)  
Achievements, challenges and future directions of a global company
Due: Monday 10th August 2020 11pm (Week 6)
Length: approx. 1500 words (+/- 20%)
Weighting: 20%
Format: Report
Choose and report on an existing company that has operations in a foreign country.
In your answer cover the following parts: (a) background, (b) environmental audit
(c) customer market assessment and (d) future directions.
Develop your report’s discussion with reference to Topics 1 to 5. Parts (b) to (d)
require you to focus on the company’s operations in ONE foreign country of your
choice only (other than the domestic/home country).
Your report should contain:
(a) Company profile– 2 marks. Provide a brief background of the company
including international structure, product range and competitive position in the
international marketplace (approx. 200 words).
(b) Environmental audit– 10 marks. Discuss the company’s external
environment in the foreign country of choice. Outline the relevant economic,
political, legal, and social/cultural environmental factors that exist in your selected
market. Highlight the implications for your chosen company (approx. 900 words).
(c) Customer market assessment– 4 marks. Assess critically the foreign
country’s market segments your company operates in, offering clear arguments as
to its opportunities and threats. In your answer discuss the main target market
strategy that the company uses in this foreign market. (approx. 300 words).
(d) New venture proposal– 2 marks. Identify and explain ONE offshore new
product (or service) opportunity for the company (the product / service must be
new for company). Discuss briefly how the company could take advantage of this
opportunity (approx. 100 words).
General reporting and presentation – 2 marks, which will include:
• extent and quality of research
• originality of analysis
• presentation and referencing. Please use report writing and provide a list
of references.
Your report should include an Executive Summary, Table of Contents,
Introduction, Conclusion and Reference List which are not included in the word
count. Marks will be deducted for poor referencing. There are no set number of
references however you will need to be sourcing additional references to support
your discussion, must reference all company information and any other external
sources used to demonstrate your understanding and integration of the theory and
concepts in the Global Marketing unit.