Globalisation Society and Culture

Globalisation Society and Culture

Globalisation, Society and Culture

Assignment (100%) 2,000- 3,000 words


Recommendation:     The essay should deal with the following fundamental question:

What is the relationship between globalization and your chosen industry? This question can be broken down in two sub-questions:

  1. How did/does your industry contribute to the globalization process?
  2. What is the impact of the globalization process upon your industry?

In addition to describing and analyzing the essay should also engage in a critical evaluation of this relationship.

The Essay – general guidelines

A good essay has:

  1. a clear structure, no typos or spelling mistakes;
  2. limited the field of issues sensibly;
  3. a good, analytical understanding of key issues, themes and arguments;
  4. breadth and depth;
  5. relevant academic sources either as quotes or paraphrases ideas, knowledge, research findings, etc. (and will not use unreliable internet sources);
  6. full and accurate references in order to acknowledge sources and uses the Harvard referencing system;
  7. a complete bibliography in Harvard style.

Criteria for assessment of the essay

  • Knowledge and understanding – the essay should describe, analyse and critically evaluate the close and reciprocal relationship between globalization and your chosen industry with reference to a small number of important themes demonstrating a depth of knowledge and understanding of these;
  • Depth of analysis – the essay must address both questions, i.e. How does your  industry contribute to the globalization process? and What is the impact of the globalization process on your  industry? Whilst doing exploring these two questions the significance of relevant theories and models needs to be recognised;
  • Structure – outline, purpose, focus and limitations of the essay should be clearly identified and the essay should demonstrate synthesis of the key concepts and corresponding reality, creating a knowledgeable and informed narrative;
  • Written communication and presentation – the essay should demonstrate competence with Harvard referencing and constructing a bibliography. It should be word processed, free of typos/spelling errors and neatly presented.
  • Sources, i.e. research across a broad range of academic materials, in particular journal articles,
    • monographs and edited books (certainly not any introductory text books!) should be evident.


First outline the overall context and significance of the essay topic (i.e. rationale, why it is a valid topic to discuss. Don’t forget to outline the overall structure of your essay (what will be covered and in what order), then discuss

  • Various definitions and conceptualizations of globalization
  • The relationship between globalization and your industry over a chronological timeframe (briefly)

Ref. Martell (2010), pps. 43 – 66 (The History of Globalization: Pre-modern, Modern or Postmodern?)

Scholte 2005, 85-120 (“Globalization in History”)


  • Discuss 3- 5 key dimensions of global flow (Appadurai, 2001)
  1. How economic /social/cultural dimensions of globalization have influenced the development of the your industry sector  and then:
  2. How your industry sector  has influenced global political development and changes and vice versa e.g. development of ‘Westphalian’ State Model (in 1648) and how this has influenced subsequent economic and political development globally  g. how international business is conducted (ref. lecture on ‘the nation state’)

Economic   e.g.

  • Expanding businesses development of MNCs worldwide and global branding (how has globalization influenced this and all the other factors below which you may mention?)
  • Internationalization of industry organizations–social cultural and economic forces facilitating this (ref. Martell 2010, 188-213 (“Politics, the State and Globalization: The End of the Nation-state…”)
  • Forces driving standardization or customization in your industry
  • Free trade/ special economic zone : labour and capital flow –economic/social/political implications
  • Globalisation on the modernization of your industry – Outsourcing, transnational ownership structures and investments, cross-border marketing collaborations, the purchase and sale of knowhow, and the free movement of labour.

Social and cultural aspects

  • Westernisation/ cultural imperialism ref. Scholte (2005), 185-223 (‘Globalization and Governance’)
  • Structure and agency interrelationship (Giddens, 2006)
  • Development of specific ‘global’ competencies-  labour force skills  to meet international customers e.g. Japanese speaking staff,  french chefs
  • Creation of jobs for local people and also overseas
  • Ethnoscapes: the movement of labour
  • Links with labour turnover in your industry
  • Development and adaptation to new organizational culture in international business
  • International labour organization
  • Commodification of national culture ref. Highmore, B. (2009), ‘The Taj Mahal in the High St.’ Food, Culture and Society Volume 12 , No.2
  • The concept of cultural homogeneity vs. heterogeneity
  • Information  technology ® effects upon your industry and global consumer expectations/profiles
  • Branding, brand loyalties reflect group norm and attitudes of people
  • Consumerism: response to customers’ demands e.g. CSR


Summary of key points (how your industry has contributed/will continue to contribute to globalisation and vice versa) e.g.:

  • Cultural, political and economic mobility
  • Cultural awareness
  • Cross frontier economic collaboration and development opportunities
  • Standardisation/cultural homogenization
  • Potential exploitation of global human and physical resources (e.g. see ref. ‘Export of health services from developing countries-:The case of Tunisia’ Social  Science & Medicine (2008) Vol. 67 pps.101-110