Harm Reduction Approaches to Alcohol

Harm Reduction Approaches to Alcohol

In Module 4, you learned about harm reduction approaches to alcohol use. Although these approaches are increasingly common and research supports their general effectiveness, there is also some criticism of harm reduction perspectives. For this assignment, you should review some of the most common harm reduction strategies and the strengths of them in the context of alcohol use outcomes. Please also note some of the
common criticisms and barriers to implementing these strategies. At the end, you should include your own thoughts on the importance of harm reduction approaches, and any recommendations you would make for future policies or strategies.
Your assignment should be 1-2 pages (double-spaced) not including references or headings
You must integrate something from the required course reading or other academic/scientific sources (be sure to properly cite everything!) along with your own thoughts and reflections.
This assignment is worth 10 points. See below for rubric:
Did you appropriately address the prompt? – 3 points
Did you integrate relevant information from course material? – 2 point
Does your assignment include original thought and strong reasoning? – 2 points
Is your writing clear? Do you use correct spelling and grammar and meet the length requirement? – 1 point
Did you include and correctly cite your sources? – 2 points.