Help me write a Thank You Email

A “thank you” email is considered a common courtesy after a job interview and demonstrates polished professionalism. Showing your appreciation for your interviewer’s time will solidify the rapport you established and provide the opportunity to reinforce your fit for the job.

For this assignment, write a “thank you” email draft you may submit to an interviewer on a Word document. Please use proper email etiquette.

Consider the following points while writing:

Share your sincere expression of gratitude for the interviewer’s time. Be sure to include the position title your applied for.
Mention something specific from your interview to jog the interviewer’s memory of you. That specific detail can be information you talked about, something that happened, or something shared.
Reiterate your interest, including the skills and qualities you possess that make you the best fit for the position
Thank the interviewer again and include “I look forward to hearing from you” or some other similar phrase
Use a professional subject line that may include the words “thank you,” your name, and/or the position title
The completed thank you email should arrive in the interviewer’s inbox within 24 hours of the interview