History of Problems in and Policing Reforms

Discuss the history of problems in policing and the numerous reforms that have repeatedly been advanced to address them. For your first response paper, you will need to discuss a problem in policing and a solution. You have three tasks for this paper:

1. Explain at least one tension/problem in policing that is covered in any of the readings.
2. Discuss at least one policing reform (or abolition) covered in the readings.
3. Explain why you believe this reform may be successful at addressing the problem.

Have a clear thesis statement that introduces the main argument of the paper. For example, a thesis statement might say something like:

A common tension in policing is ________. I will argue that ________ will most effectively addresses this problem because _________.

Response Paper Guide

Your paper should meet the following specifications:

1. Properly formatted and cited (20 points)

3 – 5 pages in length, 12-point font, 1-inch margins, and double-space your text.
In either pdf or word document
Scholarly integrity requires that that work be attributed to the author, regardless of whether you are directly quoting, paraphrasing, or relying on the work less directly. If you are unclear about how to cite a source appropriately then please ask.
Use APA or ASA Style for citations. I will provide you with guides.
2. Well-written (15 points)

Review for spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, and typos.
Avoid confusing pronouns (e.g., vague use of “it” without clearly explaining what “it” is).
Avoid confusing or sloppy writing, including run-on sentences or imprecise language.
Try reading your paper out loud to yourself to see how it sounds.
3. Well-organized (25 points)

Clear introductory paragraph
Imagine that your reader has not read this prompt and wants to know right away (a) who and what you are writing about; (b) what argument you are making; and (c) has no prior knowledge of the topic.
Have a clear thesis statement that introduces the main argument of the paper (see above for example).
Introduce the organization of the paper; let your reader know what is coming.
4. Use evidence to support your argument (40 points)

Refer directly to the assigned texts to support your arguments, NOT lecture.
Present evidence or analysis in support of your of your argument.
Explain each piece of evidence and refer it back to your thesis statement.