HRM Selection Tools

Step 1: Read Chapters 6 & 7.

Step 2:  Select and develop the Initial Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for your job. You must use at least 2 different methods.  Provide rationale for your selections.

Step 3:  Select and develop the Substantive Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for your job.  You must use at least 2 different methods.  Provide rationale for your selections.

Step 4:  Provide 2 performance measures to evaluate your efforts on this assignment and your rationale.  Review scorecard data.  One measure must be quantitative (include an algorithm).

Step 5:  Create a written report documenting the process you undertook to complete the steps.  I am interested in reading your thought and decision making processes so that I can understand what you did and why.  This report can be no longer than 3 pages (typed, double-spaced).  Please understand that the report requires an introduction, body and conclusion. The actual outputs from Steps 2-3 (e.g., the actual assessments.) should be placed in an Appendix.  Be sure to reference the items in the Appendix in the 3-page report.  The appendix can be any length and may include graphs, charts, and exhibits.