Interdisciplinary Care Assignment PowerPoint Presentation

Interdisciplinary Care Assignment PowerPoint Presentation

RUA Revised Guidelines

RUA Presentations:

All presentation will be submitted to the RUA documentation at the end of Week 6 per the calendar. Each student will submit the completed presentation.

Groups of two students will present the RUA presentation at end of week 7 and during week 8 as a team presentation on a client. Presentation should be between 20-25 minutes.

Each group will be given client information by the instructor and then they will develop the client presentation. Be prepared to answer questions from the class members and the instructor.



Style and Format

The PowerPoint should be typed and presented in APA format, including an APA title page, use of headings, and references with in‐text citations. Spelling and grammar will be evaluated with this assignment. Your presentation speaking points must be included on the PowerPoint note area.

PowerPoint Limits

The body of the presentation should be between 16‐27 slides, NOT including the Title and Reference pages.

  • Background Summary 3 to 6 slides
  • Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 2 to 3 slides
  • Medications 2 to 3 slides
  • Nursing Diagnoses 2 to 3 slides
  • Interventions 2 to 3 slides
  • Interdisciplinary Care 2 to 3 slides (collaborative and Therapeutic Modalities)
  • Nursing Role Reflection 3 to 5 slides

Grading Criteria

Assignment Criteria Points % Description
Background Information 10 10% Includes ALL the elements as described in the assignment guidelines:

·         Demographics (culture, geographic area, education level, occupation, risk factors influencing disease)

·         History of present illness (manifestations)

·         Past Medical History (provided or caused by disease)

·         Admitting Diagnosis(es) (provided)

·         Describe expected assessment findings based on present illness, past medical history. Include what vital signs may be identified based on illness and history.

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests 10 10% ·         Identify and list relevant lab values (include reference ranges) and diagnostic test/procedures expected for the diagnosis and monitoring of illness/history. Present expected ranges for diagnosis.

·         Provide rationales for performing the labs/tests.

Medications 10 10% ·         Identify and list relevant mediations expected in the treatment of the illness and maintenance of the past medical history.

·         Provide medication classifications, therapeutic use, major adverse effects, nursing implications, and dosage range, route, and frequency.

·         Provide rationale(s) why the medication is prescribed for the treatment.

Nursing Diagnoses 15 15% ·         Identifies three (3) nursing diagnoses in order of priority: 2 actual problems and 1 risk for or potential complications for the plan of care.

·         Includes 3 nursing outcomes/goals, 3 nursing interventions, and 3 collaborative interventions for each nursing diagnosis.

Interventions: Routine Nursing Management 10 10% ·         Describe independent nursing care utilized in caring for a patient with the presenting illness and medical history. (example: AIDET, Assessment, medication administration, etc.).

·         For each nursing intervention, provide the rationale(s) supporting them (textbook citations).

Collaborative Management 10 10% ·         Provide a list of the interdisciplinary team members associated with caring for the patient relevant to the illness and history. (example: nurse, care tech., respiratory therapist, physician(s) relevant to illness and history, etc.)

·         Provide a description of the roles and responsibilities for each team member listed.

Therapeutic Modalities 10 10% ·         Describe a therapeutic modality relevant to caring for the patient with the illness and history. (Example: oxygen therapy, ventilator management, cardiac monitoring, etc.)

·         Discuss the nurse’s responsibilities /skills required to manage the therapeutic modality in comparison to the responsibilities of another interdisciplinary team member.

Nursing Role Reflection 20 20% ·         Think back to previous clinical interactions with interdisciplinary teams. Describe the communication style between the team members and/or with the patient and family members.

·         Describe the impact of your own communication style on others.

·         Think back to a previous clinical in a hospital setting. Identify and describe a system barrier and facilitators hindering the quality of care/outcomes of a patient.

·         For the system barrier, provide a recommendation for organizational improvement supported by at least two (2) scholarly evidence-based literature articles.

·         Each person will present a professional self-development plan that will enhance their potential of becoming an effective interdisciplinary team member. (one slide each)

APA Format, Spelling, Grammar, and Mechanics 5 5% ·         Proper APA format for title page, headings, references and in‐text citations.

·         No errors in spelling, grammar, and mechanics