Interdisciplinary Works


For this post, select and address one of the following options:

Option 1: Choose a work to discuss from one genre that interprets a work from another genre.

  • Include the title, artist, and description of both works.
  • Examine how the artist of the second work captured the subject or story of the first.
  • Support your point(s) with a statement from the second artist that discusses the influence, reasoning, or interpretation of the original work on the second work.

Click on the following link for examples:

Link: Examples

Option 2: Choose a work that is interdisciplinary (incorporates two or more disciplines), such as Hamilton from our lesson this week.

  • Include the title and artist(s).
  • Examine the genres that are intermingled to create the work.
  • How effective is the blending of genres in the work?
  • Why do you think the artist used different disciplines in the work?
  • Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist and one from a critic.

Option 3: Choose a work of art from any genre that depicts or tells the story of a real life event from any time period, such as The Consecration of the Emperor Napoleon and the Coronation of Empress Joséphine on December 2, 1804 by Jacques Louis David.

  • Include the title and the artist and some background of the event.
  • What is the relationship between the work of art and the event?
  • Did the artist depict the event accurately?
  • Does the artist make changes regarding the event? If so, why do you think the artist made these changes?
  • Examine the artist’s message in the depiction.
  • Support your point(s) with a statement from the artist.

Writing Requirements

  • Length: Minimum of 1 page
  • Minimum of 2 sources cited (assigned readings/online lessons and an outside source)
  • APA format for in-text citations and list of references